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Cannot access NanoStation M5 connected DtD

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Cannot access NanoStation M5 connected DtD

I have a NanoStation M5 (XW version) connected via its secondary port to port 4 of an AirRouter HP.  The NanoStation shows up as a current neighbor on the AirRouter node.  When I try to access the NanoStation through the current neighbor link, it will not connect.  I get the error "ERR_CONNECTION_REFUSED" from my browser.  Note that I can access the NanoStation if I plug my computer directly into the NanoStation LAN port.  I would appreciate any help you could offer resolving this connection problem.

k1ky's picture
Re: Cannot access NanoStation M5 connected DtD
Try a different browser perhaps or clear your browser cache?
Thank you.  I have tried
Thank you.  I have tried three different browsers.  Still cannot access the node.
ke6bxt's picture
1.  Can you access it by
1.  Can you access it by going to it's:
<WiFi address>:8080
<LAN address>:8080

2. Do you have WiFi turned on on your computer in addition to the cat5e cable going to the AirRouter?

3. Can you post Node Status, Mesh Status, and Basic Setup pages from bothe the AirRouter and the Nanostation?

1.  Can you access it by
1.  Can you access it by going to it's:  No, these addresses do not work
<WiFi address>:8080
<LAN address>:8080

2. Do you have WiFi turned on on your computer in addition to the cat5e cable going to the AirRouter?  I have tried with and without wifi on my computer without success

3. Can you post Node Status, Mesh Status, and Basic Setup pages from bothe the AirRouter and the Nanostation? Yes, when they are connected directly to my computer.
ke6bxt's picture
Can you post the screenshots
Can you post the screenshots of the Node Status, Mesh Status, and Basic Setup pages on this forum?
Here are screenshots of the
Here are screenshots of the two nodes.  I had to connect my computer to the LAN port of the NanoStation to get the W2JCL-NSM5-1 screenshots.
Image Attachments: 
ke6bxt's picture
Go into the Port Forwarding,

Go into the Port Forwarding, DHCP, and Services page in both nodes.
Click on Del next to the reservation for W6JCL-Dell and then click on Save Changes.

Take screen captures of both nodes Mesh Statas page and post here.

Here are the new screenshots.
Here are the new screenshots.  I should also mention that I have tried turning off DHCP on the NanoStation.  This does not help, and it ultimately renders the node unreachable, because it won't provide a IP address to my computer.
Image Attachments: 
AE6XE's picture
From the Administration page
From the Administration page at the bottom, download the support data and upload the file here (from both nodes).  This will give detailed information to look through to diagnose.

Thank you.  Here are the
Thank you.  Here are the support files.
Support File Attachments: 
One more item to note.  I
One more item to note.  I just read another Forum post about the blockknownencryption package.  I recently added this package, and it might be part of the problem.  Since adding this package my tunnel server is no longer working.  I also note that the NanoStation M5 connected to my AirRouter never showed any WAN access, although the AirRouter itself has WAN access.
Problem solved

I have confirmed that my problem was caused by the blockknownencryption package.  I re-flashed the AirRouter and configured it as before but without this package.  My two nodes are now working correctly together.  I would recommend adding a warning to this package, since it does not appear to be working on all devices.  Also note (as mentioned in a separate post to this Forum) it is not sufficient to simply remove the blockknownencryption package.  Re-flashing the device appears to be the only way to undo this package.

Thank you all for your assistance solving this problem.  Please consider this matter solved.

AE6XE's picture
W2JCL,  Glad you are back to
W2JCL,  Glad you are back to working order.  I'll put on the list to take a look at, but will be a couple weeks when I'm back from a business trip.   

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