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Purpose of USB port on AirRouter AR

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K8KO's picture
Purpose of USB port on AirRouter AR
1. What is it's original function?

2. Is it supported in ARDEN software?

Inquiring minds want to know...wink
1) No function ever utilized,
1) No function ever utilized, it may of had plans for use but it never brought to market.

2) There is a package to enable it for future use by developers however since AREDN has been moving more and more to do not install any software on node that isn't needed for core functioning I have doubts that it will ever find a need to be utilized inside of AREDN.
K8KO's picture
Thanks for the rapid response
Thanks for the rapid response.
I use it
i use it to power my raspberry pi that is attached to the node as it eliminates one more wall watt power supply.
K8KO's picture
thanks for the rapid response
thanks for the rapid response

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