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reset psw powerbeam M5-400 - dmz and led lights

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reset psw powerbeam M5-400 - dmz and led lights

Hi leading-edge folks -

I just updated my new Ubiquity Powerbeam M5-400 to the factory firmware.  Set up the new node eventually.

Then rebooted, changed psw, and re-accessed localnode.local.mesh:8080 successfully. Now I want to access setup, and the node does not accept the new user name and password!!??  I thought I wrote them down properly, but ....

So, I found the following in your excellent docs, in the help file  for version  published by WU2S on Wed, 05/11/2016 - 23:00:
How to use failsafe mode:

connect your computer the the LAN port of the node
use a static IP address of and netmask
(default gateway and DNS are not necessary)
apply power to the node
just after the Status 4 LED illuminates, hold the reset button until DMZ starts blinking
at a command prompt run "telnet"
you should now have a prompt that looks like "root@(none)$"
if not, you are not in safe mode and something went wrong along the way, so stop here and start over
type "mount_root"
type "setpasswd abc"
replace abc with the password you want to use
type "exit"
Now power cycle the node and it should accept your new password.


If the device has a reset button you may instead press and hold the reset button for 15 seconds which will cause the unit to behave as if it had just been flashed with the AREDN™ firmware.

You would need to go through the node settings again just as if it was the first time installing the AREDN™ firmware on the node.
Here are the questions:
Will this work for the  And if it does, on my powerbeam radio, what corresponds to the "Status 4 LED" and  "DMZ starts blinking"?
I have 6 led's - 4 power level led's (lowest level blinks red), 1 ethernet active and 1 power led.

many thanks for your great support -

Pueblo Colorado


AE6XE's picture failsafe mode in help

Here is the failsafe mode docs (once you get the node live :-) ):

Failsafe Mode is a method of restoring a node to an operational state.

Reset Password or DHCP:

After the node fully boots press and hold the reset button for 5 seconds which will cause the unit to enable DHCP and reset the root password to "hsmm".

Full Failsafe:

After the node fully boots press and hold the reset button for 15 seconds which will cause the unit to behave as if it had just been flashed with the AREDN firmware.

You would need to go through the node settings again just as if it was the first time installing the AREDN firmware on the node.

The DMZ led light terminology is no longer referenced (maybe a doc defect). See here:


failsafe mode help

Thanks Joe for the quick reply
Will give this a try, and let you know...


failsafe mode help
To Joe  AE6XE  -
Thanks for the help - it worked.
One thing worth adding/noting in the docs - when authentication is needed to enter setup to make changes in the rc1 firmware (after the initial setup), clarify that the user is ALWAYS root, and not the new node name. <g>  don't ask how long it took me to figure that out...

much thanks    Rick
K5DLQ's picture
It's in the help file
It's in the help file available from the "HELP" button on every node and here:

"Setup takes you to the setup pages of the web interface. You will need to supply a username and password to access those pages. The username is always "root", and the password is the one you set on the Basic Setup page. If the node has not yet been configured, the password is "hsmm". Note that the password given to log in to the setup pages is encrypted in transit, so this is safe to do over a wireless connection."

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