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Looking for tunnel servers

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w8awt's picture
Looking for tunnel servers

I am getting started with HSMM-Mesh technology and am waiting on the arrival of a Linksys WRT54GS that I plan to put BBHN firmware on and install the tunnel client on. Because of this, I am looking for people who would be willing to give me access to their tunnel servers. Send me a Pm through the website and I'll get back with you.

Thanks and 73, Augustine W8AWT

[moderator: moved to Ragchew forum since it not AREDN related]

K5DLQ's picture
I suggest trying an UBNT
I suggest trying an UBNT AirRouter (around $40).  They are fully supported on AREDN and can get you into the VALUABLE Part 97 spectrum.  You'll be frustrated with the part 15 limits of the WRT54G's.

Just a tip...
w8awt's picture
Could you recommend a dealer
Could you recommend a dealer for the AirRouter? Trying to stay away from Amazon if possible.
WU2S's picture
We have used the following vendors: Streakwave, ISP Supplies, Flytec Computers
I am sure there are others but these 3 vendors seem to be among the most used. 
K5DLQ's picture
w8awt's picture
HP Version?
How much benefit would I receive from  the spending 30 dollars extra on the HP (High Power) AirRouter?
K5DLQ's picture
i actually prefer the HP
i actually prefer the HP version becuase it is power over ethernet just like all other UBNT devices.  The AirRouter (non-HP) requires a 5VDC wall wart to power it.

w8awt's picture
Client is now Active!!
I now have my Node set up and the Tunnel Client installed. I am still looking for servers to connect to. Even though this is the AREDN forum I was hoping to find some people here since the AREDN and BBHN tunnels are interoperable. Also I was hoping to find some willing people here since this forum is now more active than the BBHN one. My node name is W8AWT-QTH-TUNCLIENT

Waiting in eager suspense,
Augustine, W8AWT

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