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Rocket M2 - "UNTESTED HARDWARE" Banner

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K5YKG's picture
Rocket M2 - "UNTESTED HARDWARE" Banner

I have been running a Rocket M2 for months using both BBHN 3.0.1 and ARDEN 3.0.2, Beta 1 and now beta 2.  The Node Status page of each of the firmwares shows the yellow banner with the inscription "!!!! UNTESTED HARDWARE !!!!".  Is this still the case or is it an overlooked detail that should've been removed sometime ago?  My Rocket M2 seems to be working just fine no matter what it's flashed with, using a Ubiquiti AMO-2G13 2.4GHz Mimo Omni-Directional Antenna,soon to be mounted high atop my chimney.  This isn't a big deal... just wondering if there's still any problems that I haven't found yet.

Thanks, Boyd Prestwood K5YKG (Northwest Harris County, TX)


When you click on the banner

When you click on the banner what does it say for Board ID?

We support the Rocket line but internal to that there are numerous board types as Ubiquiti makes small changes that we make sure to account for.

While it will mostly work some items (especialy around power level indications) is expected to not function fully (if you avoid touching them the odds of something breaking is low, just not guaranteed)  where you may see the power 'low' but it is actually higher than stated.

If you can get us the board ID we can see if its one were updating for in the next release (iI know one older rocket just got added which should show up in a B3/RC1 build but it may or may not be this id)   or if its one we still need to add and would need a file from you to work with.


K5YKG's picture
Interesting feature I did not

Interesting feature I did not know about!

boardid: 0xe112

Lots more information but I think this is all you asked for.  Any clue?

BTW, thanks for all of y'all's efforts.  They are appreciated more than I can express.

Boyd Prestwood, K5YKG

K5DLQ's picture
Thanks Boyd.  We need to

Thanks Boyd.  We need to start working on Conroe to Cypress links!

K5YKG's picture
Thanks Daryl. Yes, I'm sorta

Thanks Daryl. Yes, I'm sorta all alone here and even when I move my main node up to the chimney, it still won't be line-of-sight.  We need to have lunch... I have a million questions!


Boyd K5YKG

K5DLQ's picture
email me.  Maybe we can work

email me.  Maybe we can work out lunch one day.


K5YKG's picture
Terrific... I'll also be at

Terrific... I'll also be at the Austin Summerfest 2015 next weekend... maybe see you there!


Ok we haven't seen that board

Ok we haven't seen that board ID yet.

What we need is a file to process this. 

1) The device must be running the AirOS. (you can flash this with TFTP )
2) Telnet or Putty into the node (default user is ubnt; password ubnt; default ip
3) Run "cat /etc/"
4) Save the resultant file and post it in response to this post.

 It will give us enough details to make sure we fully support it correctly and as accurately as we can.

K5YKG's picture
OK, Conrad... wel,l this will

OK, Conrad... wel,l this will take me some time. I am a newbie trying to learn Linux, networking and have quite an investment in hardware but having retired back to Houston, I am totally unaware of sites, people, clubs, etc etc.  I downloaded a TFTP server and already had Putty so I guess it's just a matter of installing the software and then flashing AirOS back onto the Rocket node now running AREDN Beta-02.  I think I downloaded the correct AirOS .bin file but it wouldn't flash like the AREDN firmware did, thus the necessity for using TFTP.

I'm learning... it's just the "old-dog-new-tricks" syndrome!!

Give me a while!

73 de Boyd K5YKG


Here is a good short write up

Here is a good short write up by Darryl as to the steps along with a longer write up linked from it it may give you a hand getting back to AirOS.

No worries,  take your time and it will get the hang of it. It's a good skill to learn incase the node ever gets fully locked out for unknown unpredicted reason can recover a node in the field Ina disaster. Hopefully it's a never needed skill but still nice to know it.

K5YKG's picture
Another "thanks" Conrad. 

Another "thanks" Conrad.  Will start reading.  You'll hear back soon!

Boyd K5YKG


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