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Feature Request - Support Data Download Button on 1st GUI Screen

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k1ky's picture
Feature Request - Support Data Download Button on 1st GUI Screen
On many occasions during testing, I can't get to the 3rd screen where the Support Data Download selection is located. Can we get a Feature Button or something located on the 1st GUI screen to make it easier to create a support data file??
It can be reached from http:/
k1ky's picture
And for remote nodes..
Excellent idea - for remote nodes: http://nodeipaddy:8080/cgi-bin/supporttool works like a champ!
Works on both the LAN and the WiFi I.P. address of he node.
I still think it would be handy if it were available on the first screen. Kind of like the "home" button - is hidden in the AREDN Logo Icon.


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