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Coverage map

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km5l's picture
Coverage map
How often does the US coverage map update? We've had quite a few improvements in the last month now quite showing up.
Patrick KM5L
K5DLQ's picture
it's "instant"

it's "instant" after pressing the "Upload Data to AREDN Servers" button.
Send me an email at with the names of the nodes that you are having trouble with.  I can take a look.


Upload to AREDN
I have missed the part on uploading a node to the server.  I saw it on the page but it ws grayed out.  At that point I was direct connected and no internet so I am sure that was my mistake. What is the best way to correct that and have it send the data.  Thanks & 73
K5DLQ's picture
It requires internet access
It requires internet access on the node in order to send the data to the AREDN servers.  Once you have internet access, the buttons will become active.
So my next step is to set up for vlan . I looked at the video on that I will give it a try another first for me new to VLAN setup
WU2S's picture
VLAN setup
Remember that there are VLAN setup pictures under the Software dropdown menu bar on the home page. Both Netgear and Ubiquiti switches are represented to make your configuration work easier. 
Map update
Thanks for the help I successfully created vlan access on my EdgeRouter x and got the map updated quickly.
K5DLQ's picture
+1 awesome!
k1ky's picture
Don't forget to send Update AREDN server
Updates aren't "automatic" - you must resend an update to AREDN servers from your setup area after making any changes to your node(s) - especially if it's firmware updates or location information.
km5l's picture
ignorance is bliss
ahhh... I'm sure it was in plain black and white, my miss. 


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