I'm working on a project remotely (I'm in SoCal, but have some land up near Patterson) and I'm looking for a contact for a site up on Mt. Hamilton.
My plan is to put a 5GHz relay site up there, another at Mt. Oso, and a third halfway between the two.
Most of the repeaters I could find on Mt. Hamilton belonged to groups that aren't active anymore, but since I'm not up there, I don't have too much to go on.
I'd appreciate any leads/introductions from this group.
I'm working on a project remotely (I'm in SoCal, but have some land up near Patterson) and I'm looking for a contact for a site up on Mt. Hamilton.
My plan is to put a 5GHz relay site up there, another at Mt. Oso, and a third halfway between the two.
Most of the repeaters I could find on Mt. Hamilton belonged to groups that aren't active anymore, but since I'm not up there, I don't have too much to go on.
I'd appreciate any leads/introductions from this group.
Chris - KE6MTO
Try connecting with Don and Joe at I know they are working with another group that is trying to expand a network from the border of Mexico to SJO, so that might tie in nicely with your plans.
The mid-point in my plan is an antenna farm at the border of Santa Clara and Stanislaus county, which I think was used for Voice of America transmitters. I'm still working on finding out who 'owns' those.
Keep us posted on your progress with those two peaks, and I'll update as I get information on Mt. Hamilton. I might try reaching out to the observatory that's there.
I am one of the meshers (one of the POC) of the SJV mesh. We would be interested in talking to you..
Rich W6ABJ
209-264-8476 x1204
Sounds great! I don't see a PM function on the forum, so email me here.
I look forward to hearing from you and the team. Still looking for someone on the SJO side (for those following along). :)
Thanks All!
Rich W6ABJ
I have line of sight to Mt. Hamilton in San Jose - I have a radio up now - Ubiquiti Bullet 5GHz.
What is the latest on this? Is there a radio on Mt. Hamilton?
John W.
I am still working on it. At first, I really thought this was going to be a slam-dunk as far as getting the respective groups involved...but I guess I misjudged the value or 'coolness level' of the project.
I've been focused on the East end of the project since I don't have any contacts for the Mt. Hamilton side so if anyone knows someone, please let me know.
I'll be up at 'the ranch' for Christmas, so my plan is to scope out the mid-point antenna farm while I'm there.

Ok, so I was finally able to get my own node up this weekend. I'm using my local (SoCal) QTH as a test bed for the Ranch environment since there is no internet up there to do research.
Getting things set up was relatively painless, and has renewed my interest in connecting the South Bay with the Central Valley, especially as the SoCal network is creeping North and I imagine it won't be long before we are connected, at least on the 'coastal' side. Below is a draft backbone route, and I'd love to find a 'champion' in each of the regions to help scope and facilitate respective parts of the project. I know this is a big endeavor, but I think it will be worthwhile, and it would definitely be fun and exemplify an innovative and collaborative 'Ham Spirit'.
Without being too concerned about equipment and labor, is there anyone who would like to help liaise with the clubs on either end? I'd like to get 'buy-in' on just the concept, and a willingness to move forward, then we can build the scope together and work through the details as they come up.
Let me know your thoughts, please. There is terrific knowledge in the group, and I'd love to capitalize on that.
Thanks for the continued help!
I am relatively new to the SJV Group and have two 5.8 Ghz dishes in operation connecting Mt. Oso to Mt. Bullion.
I've entertained the same idea as yours and the contacts you've made in this tread are the right people so far.
One idea I had was running a test connection as shown in the pic below. Take a look at the gps coordinates and see what you think. Next time you're up here we could recon it.
p.s. send me your email address and Ill send you the landops presentation I did when I connected to KE6MTO's node back in March.
Thanks for the reply!
Wow! You're able to cover the 80 miles between Oso and Bulion?! I had no idea legs like that were even possible. I guess the 40 miles between Oso and your Possible 1 site won't be any trouble at all, then.
I definitely want a leg to go through Del Puerto Canyon (being selfish: that's where the ranch is). Plus, I've got a decent line of sight to the Voice of America antenna farm. No idea if it's still active, or who to contact about sharing space, but those are minor details, right? ;)
I'll definitely post before I go up next time. I really want to get moving on this, but need some local help to build interest in the respective endpoints (Hamilton and Oso).
Tell me about the dishes you used. It sounds like that's what I should be considering for this project, as well.
If you can make it to the Southernmost Amateur site on the North Mt. Oso ridge you make the link.
Manny's is one of two links between Oso & Bullion.
The other Oso <=> Bullion is via two hops of circa 38 or 39 miles each, done with back to back 5 GHz bullets with (one 22 and one 25 DB?) Dishes (NanoBridges) in Turlock at the QTH of one of the initial TARC MESH Heads.
I regularly see high teens to low 20s TxMbps via the one link and Manny has good numbers for his link.
I'll email you with contact information so you, Manny and the SJV-MESH AREDN Team can begin discussion.
Together Manny and I will effect the introductions to the SJV-MESH Team.
73, ...dan wl7coo
Great news, thanks! I'll keep an eye out for it.
Thanks again!
Larry Scherr KM6NEE
Welcome, sorry I can’t help you with San Jose, just don’t know what’s shaking there. The San Joaquin Valley Mesh (SJV) group is doing well. We have two high level node clusters, one in the Mount Bullion Mariposa Area and one in the Mount Oso Tracy Modesto Area. We now have at least three relay clusters in Turlock and Merced Areas to connect those two giving us full coverage from Manteca all the way down to Merced. We are currently working closely with another active ARES group and hope expand and reinforce the network. We would consider and like to see controlled links into Hollister Hills, South Bay, and East Bay Areas.
73 Emmanuel W6RUF