Is it possible to perform the initial node (aredn setup via a terminal session (ssh or telnet)?
I found /usr/local/bin/node-setup - but, it is not immediately if or how this could be used for my needs.
Richard - wb6tae
Is it possible to perform the initial node (aredn setup via a terminal session (ssh or telnet)?
I found /usr/local/bin/node-setup - but, it is not immediately if or how this could be used for my needs.
Richard - wb6tae
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CLI Setup isn't supported at this time.
the node-setup command is used by our master program to copy config files and set parameters into the config files, but does not ask any questions about those parameters which it expects to be set via the GUI.
Easiest way ive found to setup a node (as long as its not 900MHz or 3.4GHz) is just to connect my phone to it real fast and make the change via the MeshNode SSID (which only exists during initial boot) otherwise, if we have to connect to it via a PC its usually easier for most users to use the GUI instead of a multi question CLI client would be. I expect with the talk of a new GUI this will get to be even more so the case as the new system is expected to have more capabilities, well above and beyond the current simple interface (note: new GUI project is a 'long life' project that will take time so don't expect to see it slip in anytime soon its just that were already looking forward a significant time period and know features will change)
Thanks Conrad. The problem is I am not in the US and my only access is via a VPN. I can reach my router, and then telnet into the node. But, for some reason, I cannot get routed through the router, so the web interface is not available.
CLI setup would have been easy, but now I guess I will try to resolve the routing issue.
And, don't ask how come I got myself into this 100% preduictable situation ;-)
The problem was the default route (none) on the new node. I added one and all is well.
I agree, setup should be possible entirely by command line. Just like a Cisco router or most Linux servers. The need for this has been borne out by experience many times; often you need to fix or reconfigure or merely examine something remotely, your path to the device is slow and unreliable, and you're in a hurry.
CLIs are vastly simpler than GUIs, so they take far less code to implement and tend to be much more reliable and complete. They're much easier to script, e.g., when you need to make the same changes to a large number of nodes, or when you need to search for something and make conditional changes.
I've got nothing against providing GUIs as well. They require much less intimate knowledge to get things going quickly in the usual, common cases. But they should always be an addition to a complete CLI.
Last I looked I thought Cisco (at least in the firewall side) was moving away from CLI's (Of course funny enough Microsoft was moving towards CLI's at the same time)
I'm sure our team would be glad to accept a patch from you (or any other contributor) to add a full setup (with full validation of user input of course) from the CLI for all existing features as a starting point to work from.