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AREDN Interest in Mobile and Baldwin County

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N4RT's picture
AREDN Interest in Mobile and Baldwin County

Hi All,

I am trying to get some AREDN nodes set up, at least for a demo at local clubs and gov't agencies, so that we can start trying to gain access to robust sites to set up AREDN nodes.  I am interested in how others are or have been doing this in other cities in Alabama.  I think there is some activity in the Huntsville area but don't know who to contact to discuss it.

I have an opportunity to meet wth the Baldwin County 911 Board later next month to do a presentation on AREDN with hopes that they will allow us access to their towers and facilities to start up a mesh network.  I need advice on what to present, how to present, and any simple demos that might be possible.  I have two nodes talking to each other across the room.  One is a Ubiquiti Nanostation M2 running the latest AREDN firmware and the other is an older LinkSys WRT-54 running the latest BBHN firmware.  I changed the SSID on the AREDN node to BBHN and now both nodes see and appear to recognize each other as "neighbors."

I am trying to get an application like TeamSpeak3 running so I can actually demo VOIP and file transfers, but am having trouble figuring out how to set up the server and the NSM2 to allow connections to the TeamSpeak3 Server from the BBHN node.  If anyone has experience with this, or even a better idea for demo purposes, please contact me.  My problem is that I don't know much about "port forwarding" and what that looks like on the AREDN "Port Forwarding, DHCP, and Services" screen.


Ron Thomas  N4RT
Bromley, AL

AA4SH's picture
Huntsville and Southern TN


I just got 4  Ubiquiti  AirRouther & AirRouter HP Nodes configured last week. I am currently focused on learning and getting Bedford County TN set up for AREDN MESH.     I am a relatively new member of the Huntsville AL Amateur Radio Club but seems there are only a couple of other members experimenting with MESH.   

You may want to look into getting your Location set up with LAT / LONG and try to get tunnel set up on the Ubiquite node...    However that is beyond my knowledge and experience to help you to do...  I did send you an email with my phone number and you are welcome to call me and see if we can walk through some of the configuration.

73 Steve AA4SH
Petersburg TN  EM65qj
Bedford County TN ARES EC and BCEMA AuxComm Member


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