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XW nanostation dtd on secondary port

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XW nanostation dtd on secondary port
I just got a nanostation M5. It turned out to be an XW model. I flashed it with AREDN I racked my brain for hours trying to get it DTD'd to my 2.4 and 5 GHz nodes. It might be well known to some here or it might be a fluke, but I discovered quite by accident that my Nanostation XW M5s dtd link on the secondary Ethernet port but will not link on the primary. Just a heads up in case someone else gets a node that links this way.
K5DLQ's picture
Yes, you are correct.  
Yes, you are correct.
AE6XE's picture
Anne,  sorry about the lost
Anne,  sorry about the lost time, we have the details on this hidden in the release notes.  There's an onboard switch chip that isn't behaving very nicely.  we can't mix the untagged traffic with the tagged vlan traffic on a given port.  Thus, LAN (untagged) is main and DtDLink/WAN (vlan 2/1) is secondary port.  

On a side note, we have an exhibitor booth at the  Linux Expo on Jan 21st-24th in the Pasadena conv center.   Any and all local area Mesh'ers attending the conference are welcome to come hang with us.

WU2S's picture
TP-Link CPE210/510
Also true for the TP-Link gear. Use the secondary LAN port for DtD/WAN. I have been testing them and they seem to work OK.
w6bi's picture
Still this way?
Joe, with the current daily builds, has this issue been resolved?  Having to run two cables per NSM5 is a big inconvenience.

Orv W6BI

AE6XE's picture
Orv,   There's no changes in
Orv,   There's no changes in the nightly builds on this issue.   At present, there's no known path to resolve.  If a fix is possible, it's deep in the linux kernel driver.

Hello Joe, Has there been any
Hello Joe, Has there been any updates to the problem?

DtD With Nanostations
Is it possible to DtD nanostations using the secondary link and not involving a switch at that site? I was preparing to set this up with a switch and then saw this thread and wondered... I will be placing an M2 and an M5 at the same site.

Take a look at this great
Take a look at this great document from the documentation area as it should be able to illustrate the different options avaliable.
Thank you, this is exactly what I was needing and recalled seeing it somewhere but could not recall where.

Keith - AI6BX
I've been trying to get the
I've been trying to get the two Nanostations to do DTDlink at my house. I have a NSM2 (XM) and NSM5 (XW) that I want to connect to each other in back-to-back mode - no intermediate switches or other complexity. How would I go about doing this? Both are running Here's what I've tried: * crossover cable between secondary ports on both Nanostations * straight-through cable between secondary ports on both Nanostations * crossover cable from secondary port on NSM5 to primary port on NSM2 * straight-through cable from secondary port on NSM5 to primary port on NSM2 * crossover cable between both primary ports (via their PoE injectors) Am I missing something? Do I need to SSH to one or both nodes and tweak settings? Or does this setup Just Not Work? I've left the nodes alone for an hour, and neither learns any OLSR routes to the other. Any help would be appreciated!
On the XM model DTDLink is on
On the XM model DTDLink is on the primary port, on the XW model it's on secondary port, therefor you need to connect a power feed up to the XW Primsry port and then cable from the secondary port of the XW NanoStation down through the POE injector of the XM NanoStstion and up through to its primary port.

This is answered on the DTDLink documentation page graphically
I tried that, both with a
I tried that, both with a straight-through cable and with a crossover cable. The nodes never learned about each other.
Should always be a straight
Should always be a straight through cable from the injector to the node. 

After that that a straight or crossover shouldn't matter as the nodes have a build in auto cross ability (midi-X)

Did you see the port 1 Ethernet activity light on the XM device blinking and the Ethernet activity light on the secondary port of the XW device blinking signifiying a connection with data passing over it ?
Both nodes' primary ports are
Both nodes' primary ports are being fed with a straight-thru cable from the PoE port on their injectors. The ethernet2 light is on and blinking occasionally on the NSM5. The ethernet1 light is on solid on the NSM2; it never blinks. I get the same results with a crossover or straight-thru cable.
If the issue still persists I
If the issue still persists I would suggest creating a new thread and attach a support data file from each node so it can be looked into deeper.
Will do. Is there any
Will do. Is there any documentation on how I can go about creating a support file from each node?
There is a link to download
There is a link to download it on the bottom of the Administration page of the node.
Three cables

Hi kg6kco. Are you using three ethernet cables?

1 cable running from the PoE port on its injector to the XM NSM2 primary port.

1 cable running from the PoE port on its injector to the XW NSM5 primary port.

1 cable running from the XW NSM5 secondary port to the LAN port on the XM NSM2’s injector.

I am indeed. Alas, no joy.
I am indeed. Alas, no joy.
I swapped out my XW NSM5 with
I swapped out my XW NSM5 with an older XM NSM5. Connecting the LAN port from the XM NSM5 to the LAN port on the XM NSM2 via a straight-through cable works! Still no joy on the XW NSM5 though.
Image Attachments: 
A request for a support data
A request for a support data file from the nodes was requested on 7/17 for the not working setup.

A support data file contains significant amount of diagnostic data that provides significant necessary information on the operation of the node at the time the file is generated. Without this data we are essentially just guessing without any information and are unable to provide any viable input on the situation.

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