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AREDN Node Up in Austin, TX

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AREDN Node Up in Austin, TX
OK, My AREDN node officially hung outdoors - although not very high - 20' or so?

Nanostation M2, at 30.43751389 -97.73818611, pointed due north (mostly on purpose)

I don't see any other stations, but the nearest I see is in Harker Heighs (~66mi, and probably right behind a 200' hill).

It's just connected to my laptop for now, but it does have MeshChat loaded up on it.

I have two wrt54g's that are currently configured for HSSSN - should I re-configure one to be a gateway and hook it onto the internet?  Or is is more reccomended to acquire a toughswitch and configure it thusly?  I'm most likely to just leave this one here, thoug it is on my toughbook that should be in the car :?

73 de KB5ZVP
K5DLQ's picture
You can load DD-WRT (or

You can load DD-WRT (or Linksys) firmware back on the WRT and use it as an access point for your mesh (cell phone, pc, etc).
I would recommend a Netgear GS105E, Netgear GS108E, or, UBNT Toughswitch to configure for your VLAN's (WAN, DtDLink).
Link to GS105E on ($26.95 after $10 rebate)

WU2S's picture
And a reminder about switches
And for your convenience, we have a growing list of ready-to-use network switch configurations under Software on the main menu bar at the top of the AREDN home page.
Will there be a port
Will there be a port numbering standard across the different switch brands? If so please let me know and I will create a "copy-paste" config for Cisco switches, specifically for the Cisco 2960 8+1 ports switch.
Stopgap Switch Up, Node is
Stopgap Switch Up, Node is online

Digging around my junk box, I found a Linksys/Cisco RVS4000 Network Router I could set up all the  VLANs in, so now I'm officially live, though it's got a bunch of other stuff (firewalls and junk).  Also have my Rasperry Pi online with PiChat and VideoChat.  

It's got an instance of Google PeopleFinder on it as well, but I've not started the service as of yet.  I'll work on getting that service to start at Pi Boot and then I'll feel comfortable advertising the service.

There's also a Winlink NPO on a laptop connected, though it's just a post office at this point as I've not turned on the gateway because I've got to hang another antenna before I really go live with the gateway.

I'd love to learn how this tunneling works too.

73 de KB5ZVP
K5DLQ's picture
Scott, FYI...
Scott, FYI...
You may want to double check your frequency and bandwidth settings.  ch -2 and 20Mhz is out of band.
DOH!  How embarrassing, but
DOH!  How embarrassing, but thanks!
Yeah that's me behind that
Yeah that's me behind that hill....
My 2 nodes are currently down while I rework some items on the tower. After I get all that fixed, just let me know if you would like to tunnel in.
Great!  I'd love that.  My
Great!  I'd love that.  My brother and I co-operate a Winlink station there in Harker Heights - N5BKV-10.  We're hoping to perhaps install another AREDN node up there once I get all this settled in down here.

73 de KB5ZVP
My node is now installed 40ft
My node is now installed 40ft up. Bring one to your Harker Heights location, it should work over RF.

CH -2 @ 10MHz
I looked up your winlink
I looked up your winlink station and it is just south of my house. Im about two miles to the north in Nolanville. Let us know when your node is up, it should connect easily.
It's Lonely in Austin!
Well, I'm about ready to get the next phase rolling, whatever that is... There aren't any other AREDN nodes I can see around here, but I've been on the air now for a bit, and finally have my PiPower board parts in!

It's the first prototype, so no laughing (I soldered the connector without a test fit first - shame on me), but the picture below is my Rasperry Pi serving Mesh Chat and Video Chat, and PeopleFinder, though the service is spotty, so I don't have the startup script running right just yet, and I'm working on understanding Nginx with OwnCloud to install that.  I'm most proud of my custom POE Injector that also powers the Pi.

Image Attachments: 
Well I hope some Austin HAM's
Well I hope some Austin HAM's saw my presentation at HAMCOM maybe they will consider the move over to AREDN.

Changing subjects on you, you didn't by any chance run a pin for a GPIO to trigger the remote reset on that board did you?  I still might need to make a multi injector that supports 5+ devices at once, but if a board supports resetting one board it works as a good starting point for me to do some of my one-off device flashing.
I didn't run the pin over -
I didn't run the pin over - though it would be easy enough to add a simple transistor switch to a gpio - this boar only touches the +5 and GND pins of the Pi connector.

Feel free to contact me kb5zvp(at)
Tunnel Server up in Austin

Well, as live marches on I've finally found some time to get back into this, and have a tunnel server now set up and working.  I'm linked to my brother in Dalls, but (sigh) it remains lonely here in Austin.


Yeah you are the only one
Yeah you are the only one showing on the map. Where did all of Austin's meshers go?
Do you have a timeframe for your Harker Heights install?
I'm looking forward to being
I'm looking forward to being able to get setup in Harker Heights this month - Lots to factor into that but that's my current goal :D
Thanks to KB5NFT, I now see
Thanks to KB5NFT, I now see your node via N5BKV. So your HH node will also connect to the Dallas mesh once installed.
Great! let me know if you
Great! let me know if you need any assistance with that.
BTW, Im connected via tunnel to W6BB in California, so once we connect over RF you should see plenty of content being advertised over the mesh.


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