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Thinking about a separate AREDN flashed mini island for testing etc.

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WL7COO's picture
Thinking about a separate AREDN flashed mini island for testing etc.

Can a temporary 'proto-island' be created that would allow us to change the AREDN assigned wifi or lan 10 net addresses and/or masks assigned to the radios so long as it is never exposed to a working AREDN mesh?

If yes, would we be able to re-purpose back to a working AREDN image by 'upgrading' to the appropriate 5.5.n airOS and starting over?

Will this be the same behavior with both 3.15.1 and

The 'birthday paradox' problem is understood and acknowledged, hence asking about this prior to attempting it.

There may be one or more other desirable uses for this if it does not violate AREDN licensing.  
Some of these might encourage Amateurs to dip their toes in the AREDN world of mesh functionality.

TIA & 73
...dan wl7coo

PostScript, .... a couple of hours later.
OK I'm busted<g>, see remainder of this thread.


WU2S's picture
Why not just simply change
Why not just simply change the SSID on the 'proto-island' nodes so they don;t interact with any production nodes?
K5DLQ's picture
(and dont DTDLINK them to a

(and dont DTDLINK them to a production mesh)

I don't understand this:  "Some of these might encourage Amateurs to dip their toes in the AREDN world of mesh functionality."
can you explain your thoughts??

Or better, use a different
Or better, use a different freq? That will decrease interference with the production one while still isolating them.
WL7COO's picture
OK, I'm busted <g>.

I am trying to cover for a buddy and I don't know as much about AREDN as I 'd like to .... yet.  See the rest of this thread. 

I'm also sufficiently slothful,  as well as aware of my limitations,  to not be enthusiastic about trying to manually reconstruct the original IP addresses from the MAC addresses.

Changing the SSID will work perfectly for the 'other use cases' I was posing.   I'm searching for reasons Amateurs might want to learn to use AREDN and 'practice' by implementing home security or Ag Operations data acquisition and surveillance systems.  

Another similar use would be for us to install infrastructure at Served Agency facilities which the Agencies could use for similar purposes when not required for Emcomm use if they funded the hardware acquisitions, possibly with FEMA or State sourced Grants.   

Are those acceptable uses of ARDEN?

If those IP addresses can be easily changed without AREDN issuing warnings, why?

Back in the day when I worked for a living, I saw numerous Agency grown applications (read not very professionally done) encounter serious problems due to lack of error checking *all* user input.

TIA & 73
...dan wl7coo

"If those IP addresses can be
"If those IP addresses can be easily changed without AREDN issuing warnings, why"

They can not be done without performing an unsupported operation of logging into the node and making changes to backend files well below the user interface level.

Any node that comes in with these sort of modifications could have its support request ignored or at best "ordered to reset to factory" before its investigated.

what you intend to use the network for has no effect on how the network works it's still an IPv4 network everything runs on that and If applications you want to run work on IPV4 they should run atop AREDN.  That said being EMCOMM focused no "enhancements" would be programmes in to make non-EMCOMM goals easier.
WL7COO's picture
This is good, was it so in 3.15.1?

This is excellent in fact.

In two 3.15.1 configurations the AREDN assigned radio's WiFi IP addresses were changed, I believe during the initial Basic Setup or shortly after.  I don't think anybody made any changes to anything beneath the User Interface.

If it was believed to not be possible in 3.15.1  Ken will have to take up the discussion from here. Please see his msg just below in this topic thread.

Thanks & 73
..dan wl7coo

I stand corrected,
I stand corrected,

Just logged in to my node remotely and see it does let me edit it.

I'm not sure why that is allowed, it should not be in my mind  (and I know from backend discussions will not be as part of new GUI) 
AE6XE's picture
Allowed to correct an IP
Allowed to correct an IP conflict?
WL7COO's picture
And apparently, potentially create one.

"It's all good", to quote a good friend.   Seems like lots of us learned something from this discussion.

Apologies to one and all for not being totally up front re: my motivations and dissembling, though even that produced useful comments and insight.

pax vobiscum
...dan wl7coo

KF6IDK's picture
IP Question in the same boat.

In testing and learning about AREDN and IP structure... I changed my node IP address, I do not remember my original node IP address. Will the new user given 10.***.***.*** IP address conflict with any protocol ? 

Im trying not to climb up the tower to push the reset button, back to new NoCall status : )

Thank You

If two nodes have the same IP
If two nodes have the same IP address, well, that basically causes the sh*t to hit the fan. If you're okay with resetting but not climbing your tower, try upgrading to the same version. That may reset it back to NOCALL. No guarantees though. Maybe the AREDN team could chime in with the algorithm used to generate the IPs? From that you could use your MAC address to calculate your original IP.
1) You can press the reset
1) You can press the reset button from the ground, the 1amp injectors have a reset button on them. It has been recommended every engineer should have at least one of these in their kit and I agree.

2) If you don't have an injector log in via telnet and run "firstboot && reboot" the node will reset and come back up  fresh for new deployment 
You can check the mesh status page and see all the nodes, also the OLSR tables.  I'm monitoring TARC's repeater system if you want some assistance, or you have my cell.  Plus, we should get an island Internet connection going :-)
WL7COO's picture
Suggest we three have a meeting or conference call soonest.

At the top of my priority list to research is:  

"What don't I know yet about vlans and gateways that I want and need to know before we (Merced<--> Mariposa island) connect to anyplace via any means?"

Jason - I'm very suspicious you already know most or all of the answers<g>

...dan wl7coo

K5DLQ's picture
BTW, the IP algorithm is here
KF6IDK's picture
Thank You

I want to thank everyone for the great solutions to my rookie IP mistake.
You gentlemen are what makes AREDN such a great success.

Thank You


WL7COO's picture
So it turns out, Ken did a much better job

reading the AREDN addressing schema yesterday than I did several months ago.

I was so interested in how the Local Nodes' address ranges were derived I neglected to note that the first two lines say that the radios' WiFi and LAN IP addresses are simply derived with  (paraphrasing)  " start with '10.x.x.x  then use the decimal values of the last 3 octets in the MAC address for that interface."

It got so interesting re: the local Node addressing that I never again thought about the two primary IP addresses.

Thanks again Ken, where would I be without you Bro <g>.

sigh ...... I used up a whole box of legos and only three were needed.... again !

...dan wl7coo

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