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LightBeam 5AC Gen2, install works

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LightBeam 5AC Gen2, install works
Hello UI users,
This is an FYI...  My Ubiquiti LightBeam 5AC Gen2 arrived last week so yesterday (22-July-2024) was AREDN flash day.

My radio arrived with firmware V8.7.11 installed so an upgrade (or downgrade, in this case) was required.  On loading 8.7.0, i did get the error message stating it wanted at least 8.7.4 and uploaded that one instead... PASS!  The instructions flagged this so i was prepared.

Then, the default ‘scp…’ command threw up the “Unable to negotiate…” error, same for the 'ssh...' command.  The instructions flagged this, had clear alternate command lines, and they worked...  Nice!  The hexdump command worked without issue, same for the chmod and the '/tmp/fwupdate.real...' command.

For the most part, the installation instructions were relatively clear and it came up without any new problems.  Given i did not want to brick the radio, i did have to 'read into' the instructions a bit and thankfully acted on the correct assumptions.

Next up, do a power load test to determine the actual Power level for this radio.

jim kn6pe 
Cupertino, CA
nc8q's picture installation instructions were relatively clear
Hi, Jim:
If you would, please share an example of AREDN install instructions that are more clear.
I know a guy that can edit and would love to improve the clarity of AREDN documentation.
73, Chuck
Eschew obfuscation, espouse elucidation.

LightBeam 5AC Gen2
Hello Jim
I also had trouble installing the LBM 5AC Gen2 at first. I first installed the original version WA.v8.7.4.45112.210415.1103.bin.
With the instruction Ubiquiti 802.11ac First Install Process it then works without any problems Greetings from Switzerland

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