I have a CPE710 node programmed with the latest 23.8.0 firmware. The node connects to my Powerbeam 5GHz via RF and it is also connected via DTD. The mesh status shows as shown below. (dtdlink.WA3LAB.CPE710/WA3LAB.local.mesh) According to the documentation, this is some type of issue with OLSR, and I tried the fix several times, but this status persists. The node appears to be functional. Does this status mean it is connected DTD and RF?
Glenn WA3LAB
Yep that is messed up. You do not want two antennas in close proximity on the same channel. It looks like you've created the world's smallest network with a route flapping issue!
There should be only one path to each device then OLSR will settle down.
PS what I don't understand is how these two devices could be on the same frequency! Is that a hAP on your mesh status? Does it have mesh rf turned on? That could the the cause of the problem.
WA3LAB-CPE710 for the RF connection and ...
WA3LAB-CPE710 (dtd) for the DTD connection
I believe this is the "old node name / new node name" display, which should go away if I power down the node for 20 minutes. Guess I'll try that.
If I remove the DTD connection and put the nodes on the same channel
OK, my bad. Several things.
I thought the CPE710 was somehow like the 210 and 510 where the number shows operating band. OK, looked it up and it's a high power 5.8Ghz device. My bad.
One thing to remember is that it takes some time for all the wierd OLSR stuff to clean out when it goes wonky. So not only power down, but reboot, and perhaps also do a OLSR restart on each device in the advanced settings tab.
The thing we haven't mentioned here ... you are most likely overdriving all the rf and blowing the antennas out of the universe. You cannot put two antennas close together on the same frequency. That alone will mess it all up. Those antennas can put out a LOT of power, and should be several miles apart minimum to work properly together. If you're dtd that by definition means they are too close to each other, it will not work on the same frequency.
You could put them perhaps 100 meters apart from each other (still forget the dtd) and drop the power setting on each to between 5 and 10 db and then ... it might start working again. This implies you are providing POE from two different power sources. Definitely FORGET doing dtd on any antennas on the same channel. You can put these two as dtd, back to back on diffferent channels and then it's ok. If I understand correctly, what you've been doing is the equivalent of having two handheld radios and pushing PTT at the same time. Nothing will work, all noise.
"The node connects to my Powerbeam 5GHz via RF and it is also connected via DTD."
Hi, Glenn:
'DtD' nodes are, likely, co-located.
Co-located nodes should not be on the same channel.
I hope this helps,
OK, let me start over, because I think everyone is missing my original question. I am testing 2 nodes (5GHz) at my QTH before they are going to their final sites. Both nodes have the RF power set to minimum and are 10 feet apart facing opposite directions. I am simply making sure they connect OK before I take them to the sites. The nodes connect OK on channel 170. The mesh status on the Powerbeam is as shown below: See question below the picture.

SEE RED ARROW ON PICTURE Why does the mesh status show "dtdlink.WA3LAB.CPE710 / WA3LAB.local.mesh"? My question is , why does it display in this manner? Normally the mesh status would display:
There is no DTD connection. If I connect a DTD connection the mesh status is EXACTLY the same. This is an issue with the CPE710 as a friend of mine is seeing the same thing. I have tried the OLSR reset as per the documentation for this issue, and powered both nodes off for 24 hours and the problem persists.
Glenn WA3LAB
Yet, your image does show a (dtd) connection on device Powerbeam-1.
I assume your 'test' devices are Powerbeam-1 and CPE710.
I set up 2 test devices with no DtD connections and connected my laptop to one of them.
Here are some images.
You have three (3) 5 GHz nodes in your image.
Which two 5 GHz nodes are to be tested?
73, Chuck
Show us a screen shot of mesh status from the view of the CPE710
AND another screen shot of mesh status from the other device shown HAPAC
The plain old status page also from each device will confirm which devices have mesh rf enabled so check to see if the HAPAC has rf on.
and another edit PS
So far your screen shot shows these devices active on your mini mesh network
You have rf enabled on how many of these devices, are you creating endless loops of rf? And you say that there is no dtd cabling of these devices together, but your own screen shot says they are cabled together. dtd means precisely that. If you have three devices dtd and another close by ... how many of the dtd devices have the DHCP enabled? Only one should be providing DHCP in the group of three cabled together. You should have in this example one network of three devices and another network of a single device.
I have simplified the system to hopefully avoid confusion. I removed WA3LAB-Powerbeam-1 which is a 2GHz which may have been causing some confusion. Now the test set is a s follows: I have a HAPAC(NO RF) named WA3LAB-HAPAC connected DTD to a 5 GHz Powerbeam(WA3LAB-Powerbeam-5G). The test node is a CPE710 named WA3LAB-CPE710. The CPE710 is connected via channel 170 RF (NO DTD) to the Powerbeam-5G. Below are the screen shots of the mesh status of both 5 GHZ nodes.

Why does the mesh status show "dtdlink.WA3LAB.CPE710 / WA3LAB.local.mesh"? Why does it display in this manner? Normally the mesh status would display:
This is an issue with the CPE710 as a friend of mine is seeing the same thing. I have tried the OLSR reset as per the documentation for this issue, and powered both nodes off for 24 hours and the problem persists.
My question is why does the mesh status show "dtdlink.WA3LAB.CPE710 / WA3LAB.local.mesh"? Is this just some software anomaly that I can ignore? I would like to know before climbing the tower and installing this node.
Glenn WA3LAB
You still have not shared the screen from the hAP. Somewhere in all this the DHCP is messed up.
How about removing the hAP from the system, and just have the two antennas powered independently, as far apart from each other as possible on low power? Then we can see if the PB still sees the CPE with the funny name.
BTW you keep asking "why?" I would have to become Yoda and say "because". When the routing stuff gets confused all hell breaks out. Why is beyond my ability to help you with ... :-)
2 nodes, no external connections except power. Reset OLSR on both nodes multiple times. Connecting laptop to either node shows the following:

I am submitting it as a software issue.
Glenn WA3LAB