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Montgomery County MESH

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Montgomery County MESH

So thanks to the folks at the Montco EOC in Eagleville, specifically Tom Nolan and Dick Stewart, we are putting together a County and beyond MESH Network.

If you want to stay up-to-date on the happenings, send an email to:

Please put your callsign and name in the email.

Montgomery County Update!
To date there are 70+ nodes on the mesh with nodes connecting from Bucks, Chester, and Delaware County's, 200+ services and 2 IP PBX systems operating 24 hours 7 days a week.  We are looking to expand and connect into surrounding counties, and if you would like more info, send an email to:
Please put your callsign and name in the email.
Lancaster County
I am just starting out here in Lancaster with a Mikrotik hAP AC Lite, and as a truck driver by trade, this is all uphill for me...I guess I'm getting things figured out, lol!  AREDN seems pretty non-existent here according to the map. My node is connected to the internet, so I guess I'm ready to try a tunnel.  I don't really have much to offer in the way of services, but if you're looking to expand into Lancaster County, I'd be willing to try to wade in a bit deeper.
Doug - W3COB

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