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Create A Mesh In Madera and Fresno Counties

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Create A Mesh In Madera and Fresno Counties
I have setup my first 5Ghz node in Madera county at my house and am hoping we can get a mesh going across Madera and eventually Fresno county.  We just restarted the Madera county ARES group and have a weekly net on the W6WGZ (147.180+) repeater PL 146.2 on Wednesdays at 19:00 PDT.  One of our topics and interests is to get AREDN up and running, and meshed with neighboring counties.  
KG6BXW's picture
I live in Coarsegold and my
I live in Coarsegold and my folks live in Clovis so if there's any interest in expanding feel free to hit me up. I've done some AREDN stuff in the past and have experience mostly with the TP-Link line of equipment.


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