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PBX extension registration over mesh

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what should be in the
what should be in the advertised services blanks?

screen captures
screen captures
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I should mention that when
I should mention that when DHCP is off in the bullet and on the router, everything registers correctly.

nc8q's picture
I should mention that when DHCP

Hi, Bob:

If that configuration works, then use that configuration.
The Wireless Router can issue/reserve over 250 IP addresses.
The maximum an AREDN device can issue/reserve is 29.
Your Bullet's last setting may have been only 13.



The original configuration of
The original configuration of the router doing dhcp and the bullet not doing dhcp is how we started all this.
That was unable to register the mesh phone via mesh, so it was suggested that I change the configuration.

nc8q's picture
'Hostname IP Address MAC Address'
"Fill in the  selections for 'Hostname    IP Address    MAC Address' from the values in 'Current DHCP Leases'."

Hi, Bob:

Enter into the 'Hostname' box: 'W8ERD-PBX' or whatever.
Click the down arrow on the drop-down box for IP Address and select an available IP address.
The one that the Bullet has already issued to the PBX is fine.
Copy-n-Paste the MAC associated with '*' into the MAC Address box.
Click Add
Click Save Settings.
I don't remember if a reboot is needed.

3s, Chuck

OK that worked.  Should there
OK that worked.  Should there be anything in the Advertised Services blocks?


PS I really appreciate all your help!
nc8q's picture
Advertising a PBX or VoIP phone

Hi, Bob:
 If you advertise a PBX or phone, then you can access its administration web page with a click on the 'Services' link.
This would be for the administrator's convenience and not needed for operation.

73, Chuck


Hi Chuck 
Hi Chuck 

Things are working fine now in most cases.
The Phone is connected to the ARM, and is registered with the PBX. I can call by extension number to a corded phone.
Al 4 corded phones are registered with the PBX.
But only 2 of the 5 cell phones are registered and I have no idea why.

Any ideas?

nc8q's picture
But only 2 of the 5 cell phones are registered and I have no ide
Hi, Bob:
Follow the connection route.
I assume that the cell phone is Wi-Fi connecting with the SSID of the Wireless Router.
It may help to disable the mobile networking on the cell phone.
Did the cell phone obtain an IP address from the Bullet?
The cell phones' soft-phone application should be attempting to register with 'W8ERD-PBX' or
cell phone is wifi connecting
cell phone is wifi connecting with the ssid of te wireless router.
celluar capability is turned off.
Cell phones get addresses from Bullet
cell phones register with ip address of pbx

nc8q's picture
cell phones register with ip address of pbx
Hi, Bob:

Now that your PBX has a reserved Hostname, IP Address, and MAC on the Bullet,
'W8ERD-PBX' will be automatically resolved to the IP address of the PBX from any device
in the LAN of the Bullet or the LAN of the AREDN connected AR300M16.

All your phones and VoIP adapters 'should' use 'W8ERD-PBX' instead of the IP Address.
If your PBX would change its IP address reservation or be moved to another AREDN device on the network,
no changes would be needed on any phone/adapter.

73, Chuck
A nice surprise to me was the
A nice surprise to me was the Bullet DHCP hosts listing for the PBX changed from "*" to W8ERD-PBX.
Is there a way to do the same for the GXP phone so it shows up in the ARM list of hosts as something other than "*" ?

nc8q's picture
GXP phone...shows something other than "*"
"GXP phone so it shows up in the ARM list of hosts as something other than "*" ?"

Hi, Bob:

 On your phone, what value did you save in the text box next to
NETWORK->Basic Settings->Host Name (Option 12)

73, Chuck

Image Attachments: 
I had nothing there so I
I had nothing there so I added a name. But I had already solved the problem by adding a DHCP address reservation in the arm.
Just like the PBX name in the bullet.

I have a big problem with the arm power cable plug making poor connection to the arm.  It is very delicate to make it work at all.
I have tried various tapings, none of which really work.  Suggestions?

I also just started working with Grandstream about the cell phone registation problem.

nc8q's picture
arm power cable plug making poor connection to the arm.
Suggestions? Try another USB cable. Buy another AR300M16.
Changed DHCP
Recall I could not get most of my iphones to register with the PBX. I happened t find an old printout from the PBX back when I the router 
was doing DHCP instead of the Bulllet, and it showed multiple iphones registered.   So I went back to the router dhcp and to my amazement
ALL of the iphones now register with the PBX. Grandsteam said I needed to get newer iphones.

But of course now I have the problem of getting the mesh phone to register.

The manual says I can log into the AR300 with the address
It doesn't work.  Any suggestions?

nc8q's picture
log into the AR300 with the address

This may be off the topic of:
"PBX extension registration over mesh"

True when the GL iNet AR300M16 is running GL -iNet firmware.
If the AR300M16 is running AREDN firmware, maybe not true.

gxp1630 registration with pax
Sorry to bother you again, but now that the bullet dhcp is turned off and the tplink dhcp is turned on, I cannot get the GXP phone with the AR300
to register with the PBX.    Any suggestions?

nc8q's picture
now that the bullet dhcp is turned off and the tplink dhcp is on
Return to the previous configuration.
1630 registration
But then the cell phones don't work.

nc8q's picture
But then the cell phones don't work.
Hi, Bob:

I thought that 2 of the 5 cell phones worked.
So, the issue is with the 3 cell phones that did not work.
I think that this is not a network configuration issue.
I think that this is a cell phone issue.

73, Chuck



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