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Is there a means to assign static LAN address?

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Is there a means to assign static LAN address?
I have 3 different models of nodes (Mikrotik, TP-Link, and GLi) and was planning to add them all to the same LAN.
Once I installed and configured the AREDN firmware to them, they are all assigned different LAN network segments.
I can force them to play together as Dtd partners, but I was hoping to assign static IPs to them on the same LAN segment.
Is there a reasonably simple way to do this? I have not been able to ssh into any of them, so shell commands have not
been a path forward.
What am I missing here? Is there supposed to be ssh access to these once the firmware has been replaced with AREDN?

Thanks for any pointers. I am comfortable with open systems and unix in general. Gaining ssh access is a must for me.
73 de K2HJ
K6CCC's picture
In the docs
In the docs:
Scroll down to LAN tab.

As for SSH, yes, you can, but note that it uses port 2222 instead of the "normal" SSH port of 22.
ssh - use port 2222
Thank you, James.
That was the missing puzzle piece.
I am able to log into all 3 nodes with ssh now.
nc8q's picture
I have 3 different models of nodes (Mikrotik, TP-Link, and GLi)

"I have 3 different models of nodes (Mikrotik, TP-Link, and GLi) and was planning to add them all to the same LAN."

Hi, John:

You can connect the WAN port of those nodes to the LAN port of another device.
Then those nodes WAN addresses will be in the same LAN.



nc8q's picture
I was hoping to assign static IPs to them on the same LAN segmen
"I was hoping to assign static IPs to them on the same LAN segment."

An AREDN node gets assigned a static IP address on its WAN port in the LAN segment
You can choose a different static address.

I hope this helps,


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