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Mesh chat with 3.22.6

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Mesh chat with 3.22.6

I just upgraded my nodes to the latest 3.22.6 AREDN build and now my Pi based deployment of Meshchat is not working. I have reloaded the 1.02 API to my node as that is the version running on my Pi. Is 1.02 not compatable with the new Lua builds?

Thank you,

Keith - ai6bx
Download the new 2.0 API for Lua here: Ian
km6zpo's picture
Quick Fix for Meschat on AREDN

If you previously installed MeshChat 1.02 on a Raspberry PI and it was working fine before you upgraded your node to ARDEN, and it's no longer syncing as a result, here's the quick fix:

Download this file to your desktop:

Upload the package via the node's Administration, Upload Package function.

This is going to create a Meschat server on your node which you will find by looking at your mesh status page.  It will be named something like Meshchat-XXXX.  You can ignore this.  

Go to your MeshChat 1.02 status screen, for example mine is here:

Within a few seconds, you'll see that it's syncing again.  

I don't know how to entirely get rid of the MeshChat program from the node, but I know how to make sure nobody finds it.  Go to the Port Forwarding, DHCP and Services page.  Remove it from the list of advertised services and save changes.  

If you visit my mesh status page, you'll see a MeshChat server listed under KM6ZPO-MESCHAT but you won't see the MeshChat server that's installed on the node.

Hopefully this information helps some of the people who recently upgradd to version

If anyone has STEP BY STEP instructions on how to install the latest version of MeshChat 2.0 similar to the orignal instructions ( I would love to see that.

---mark, KM6ZPO

I followed km6zpo's

I followed km6zpo's instructions, but instead of using meshchat_2.0_all.ipk (62.1 kB), I used meshchat-api_2.0_all.ipk (1.8 kB).  This did not created the extra Meshchat-XXXX instance.

Pat, VA7FI

Video that might help

This YouTube video shares about the replacement of Perl with Lua and how to get your MeshChat running with both.

Also, the online documentation talks about this and gives all the package links:

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