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Rocket M5HP XW Hardware

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AC2OG's picture
Rocket M5HP XW Hardware
After flashing the device with Nightly Build firmware "aredn-1348-bf8c6ee-ar71xx-generic-ubnt-rocket-m-xw-squashfs-sysupgrade" was no more possible to save changes to the setup. The device returned the message: Bad Gateway The process did not produce any response.
Returning to the version " aredn-" solved the issue. Is there a way to use the Nightly Build (with the useful application LQM) without the issue? 
K6CCC's picture
At this point, load
At this point, load - not
AC2OG's picture
Version do not solve the problem. I still have the error message:  "Bad Gateway The process did not produce any response" when I hit the button "Save Changes". 
K6CCC's picture
Bad Gateway gives me the
Bad Gateway gives me the impression that you have an IP issue.  I'm assuming that the node upon initial flash is using, and your computer is getting some address.  After initial config, it should be changing to whatever IP it will use based on the MAC.  Is your computer getting the new IP address?

FYI, I have two Rocket M5 XW nodes that have had almost every Nightly build in the past 2 years along with every production release
AC2OG's picture
IP issue
When I roll back to version the device is working perfectly. So I suppose that there isn't an IP problem. My computer is getting the IP address from the node.
KN6PLV's picture
"Bad Gateway" in this context
"Bad Gateway" in this context at least means that the LUA code terminated badly, probably because of some internal error, so didn't correctly generate the web page. It you could possible navigate to the support tool page (<nodename>:8080/cgi-bin/supporttool) and post the generated tar file, that would be very helpful.

AC2OG's picture
Rocket M5 XW hardware
support data attached. The Rocket M5 is connected to a 802.1Q switch working as LAN of an AREDN node. One port of the switch is the WAN to my hore router and Internet.
Support File Attachments: 
AC2OG's picture
Rocket M5 XW hardware
I need to correct the last part of my previous message. Disregard the part " The Rocket M5 is connected to a 802.1Q switch working as LAN of an AREDN node. One port of the switch is the WAN to my home router and Internet" . This was a different setup. Sorry for the confusion!
The connection was: POE injector POE port to the Rocket, POE Injctor LAN port to the computer, no connection to internet.
AC2OG's picture
"Bad Gateway" in this context
Have the support data been useful to detect the issue? 
AC2OG's picture
"BAD Gateway" in this context
I don't know if that could be useful to know, but all the Rockets tested with the new firmware ( both nightly build and have been sourced here in Italy.
Different hardware and firmware than the US version?
73 de I3RKE/AC2OG
nc8q's picture
Bad Gateway The process did not produce any response.
"Bad Gateway The process did not produce any response."

You are trying to get your web browser to display this resource:

Your web browser may be saying:
"I am expecting to find the same resource that was available few minutes ago and I am not finding it."

To get your web browser to look for a new resource:
Press 'F5'.
Else, press 'Control-F5'
Else, restart your browser.
Else, restart your operating system.

Current Stable contains the Link Quality Manager.
If you are loading a Nightly Build, it is recommended to always load the current Nightly Build.
If you have not looked since 10:00 GMT yesterday, check to see if there is a new Nightly Build today. ;-)

I hope this helps,

AC2OG's picture
BAD Gateway
Hi Chuck,
the problem arises with both the Nightly Build and the version on three different Rocket M5 XW..
My question is: why with version all is working fine, i.e. I can save changes regularly? 
K6CCC's picture
Just for good measure, I
Just for good measure, I changed channels on both of my Rocket M5 XWs without any issue at all. and Nightly 1442
AC2OG's picture
Just for good measure,

thanks for the info. I suppose that all your Rockets have been sourced in the US. 
My 3 Rockets in Italy. Could that be a possible reason? 
nc8q's picture
After flashing the device with Nightly Build firmware "aredn-134

'After flashing the device with Nightly Build firmware "aredn-1348-bf8c6ee-ar71xx-generic-ubnt-rocket-m-xw-squashfs-sysupgrade" was no more possible to save changes to the setup.'

So, you are able to both load Nightly 1348 and load Stable, but
you are not able to make changes to Nightly 1348 or Stable,

Does your browser allow you to return the the previous page?
Can you 'ping' the Nightly or after getting the 'Bad gateway' error?

HTH, Chuck

AC2OG's picture
After flashing the device with Nightly Build firmware
"So, you are able to both load Nightly 1348 and load Stable, but
you are not able to make changes to Nightly 1348 or Stable," ?

Does your browser allow you to return to the previous page?
Yes, it does.

Can you 'ping' the Nightly or after getting the 'Bad gateway' error?
Yes, I can.
Could you post another

Could you post another support file that you capture immediately after the "Bad Gateway" message appears?

AC2OG's picture
Posting nother support data file
here attached the file:
Support File Attachments: 
AC2OG's picture
Could you post another
Not exactly just after the message appears, because I have to reload the previous page in order to have access to the administration page.
Should work either way

You might be able to use the direct URL for supporttool in your browser:  http://your-nodename-or-ip/cgi-bin/supporttool
Or just go back to previous page and then generate the support file.  Either way the log should have the exact error message we need to see.

Here is the error causing Bad Gateway in your browser

Thank you for the new support data file which shows the error below:

Sat Jun 25 08:41:58 2022 daemon.err uhttpd[938]: /usr/bin/lua: /www/cgi-bin/setup:656: attempt to index global 'node' (a nil value)

This error occurs in the code where the Setup page is trying to validate all the values before saving the configuration.  For some reason the variable containing your node's name is not set.  The code should return the message "invalid node name" but since the variable is not set the test is failing.  I'll see if we can add a test to handle this better.  I see that your nodename is "IQ3QR-1" and I do not know why the Setup page is unable to correctly get that value during validation.

For now, would you be willing to reset your node to Firstboot state and configure it from scratch?  That will refresh all of the configuration files, just in case there is an invalid value from an old state.  Let me know what you find.  Until then I will see whether we can print a better error message rather than "Bad Gateway."

Thanks for your help and patience.

AC2OG's picture
error causing Bad Gateway
Thanks to you for helping me! It has been a pleasure to cooperate. I'll do the reset to Firstboot  Tuesday the 5th of July.  I'll do it on a different Rocket (with the same issue) because IQ3QR-1 is located at the top of a mountain and I want to avoid interruptions of the link on the mesh. 
I'll report to you the result. 
AC2OG's picture
Bad gateway
I made the reset to Firstboot and started a new configuration. The results of my test are:
-In order to save changes, it is mandatory to do it for one parameter at a time, i.e. saving multiple changes is not allowed.
-I was able to do all the changes I needed, but, I repeat, only one by one.
-It has not been possible to save the tactical node name. For example, isn't possible to save a node name as IQ3VV-10/Pizzoc-2. It is possible to save a node name as IQ3VV-10. This last is now the only small issue.
Please let me know if you need me to do more tests or capture a new support data file.
AC2OG's picture
Bad Gateway
I forget to report that with firmware version, the third LED  (from left to right) is now always ON RED, and so is no more useful to detect the established link. 
AC2OG's picture
Bad Gateway
 results of more tests. In a different device, without doing the reset to Firstboot, I changed the Node name from <IQ3VV-9 / Pizzoc-1> to <IQ£VV-9> and this resolved the issue and now I can make all the changes and save them.  Am I wrong if I conclude that the problem is with the Node name length or combination of letters? 
K6AH's picture
Space aren't allowed
You have spaces on both sides of "/".  Take them out and try again.

AC2OG's picture
Space aren't allowed
yes, you are right, but only when you write the Node name you must omit the space. Look at the screenshot of a node of mine that is working fine.

AC2OG's picture
spaces aren't allowed
Screenshot of I3RKE-1 / Leo
Image Attachments: 
K6CCC's picture
As far as I know, node names

As far as I know, node names have always required no spaces.  Hence the reason that almost all node names have hyphens in them.
Your screenshot is too small to read.

AC2OG's picture
As far as I know, node names
I repeat !!! Even if, during the configuration, you write the Node names without spaces, after the reboot the Node names will appear with spaces on the Node Status.
k1ky's picture
What about special characters?

Could the use of some special characters or punctuation be the problem?  I know that there were some issues with the introduction of the LUA code with quote marks and other "special" characters.  What if you eliminate the / from the node name?

AC2OG's picture
Special characters
Hi K1KY,
Replacing the " / " with " - " completely solves the problem.
K5DLQ's picture
github issue: https://github

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