I recently purchased a few mikrotik boards to start building a local (and not so local) AREDN network. I ran through the first 3 (2x baseboards 1x hap ac lite) without issues. Grabbed the second hAP and it took the .elf without issue, but when I upload the .bin to either via the webUI or via the CLI it won't flash and it reverts back to RouterOS 6.7 something. I've tried with the force and no repartition flags with no avail, anyone else run into this? I've factory reset the RouterOS as well. It seems to me like there is write protection somewhere on the RouterOS config but I'm unable to find anything.
EDIT: I think a point that is being missed here, is that I successfully updated two hAP's and two routerboards with the exact same method as I'm using for the locked hAP. Just wanted to make sure I emphasized that.
"webUI or via the CLI it won't flash and it reverts back to RouterOS 6.7 something. I've tried with the force and no repartition flags"
To be sure...is your device is a RB952Ui-5ac2nD ?
I am not familiar with your terms 'webUI, 'CLI', 'force', and 'no repartition' in the installation.
I mean...I know what they mean. but I don't remember seeing them in the installation instructions here:
'force' is mentioned once in the Ubiquiti installation instructions.
If you are following instructions from another site, perhaps you should ask for assistance there. ?
If you follow the instructions on arednmesh.org and fail, please re-post here.
I hope this helps,
Chuck, thanks for the reply.
Yep pulled the board out of the case to verify (at least the sticker on the board) and when I boot in the .elf it shows the RB952 as well.
So webUI is in reference to the standard "sysupgrade firmware" update process of logging into the webUI of the aredn booted on the .elf and uploading the .bin file through the "Firmware Upgrade Section" as referenced in the doc you linked. Just below that it references a method of copying the .bin file over via SCP and sshing into the AREDN node booted on the .elf and running "sysupgrade" as a utility from the CLI. There are a couple flags that I tried in addtion to the prescribed method there with no luck.
TL;DR I followed the instructions on the link you posted (initially) and it failed. I'm dead in the water with this board.
-Joe Kalfa
Andre, K6AH
So here's a tshark output from the last attempt (after your wait a full 10 minutes advice)
basically at 46 seconds it goes down for reboot with the new firmware, and at 84 seconds the hAP lite comes back online then at 129 seconds you see it identify as running RouterOS.
I usually set an 8 minute timer and don't rush to return to check status after the timer expires. ;-)
Alas, this does not seems to fix the issue with Joe's hAP #3. :-(
I assume you're certain the device isn't an hAP rather than hAP ac lite? They are identical from the case, but the hAP is not supported.

I had a hAP AC lite take a dump on me yesterday.
Went to reboot, and it never came back.
I re-flashed from scratch with AREDN firmware, and got as far as saving the permanent firmware, but on the final reboot, became unresponsive.
I tried a few more times, but the only time it 'worked' was with the temp firmware at
I then tried reflashing stock Mikrotik, which appeared to flash completely, but that never booted up or responded to stock IP either.
In a last ditch try, I flashed OpenWRT (basicall uses the same method as AREDN), and that did work!
From there, I flashed the 'final' AREDN firmware from within OpenWRT.
When that booted up, the device had really strange IP addresses assigned by AREDN ( or something like that.
Anyway, I then 'reflashed' AREDN again from the AREDN GUI, chosing to not save settings.
Device came back with proper IP's after that.
So, maybe try flashing OpenWRT at least, first?
Use this file in place of the 'elf'
And this file as the 'final' that you flash within openwrt:
and then finally, flash the AREDN 'sysupgrade' within OpenWRT.
I tried for 11 hrs testerday to flash the areden firmware to the hap ac lite the PXE server method and can not get it to load
bigest issue i see is i change ip[ address of computer to and the PXE should pick up that address most of the time it would not reboot and try agian
a few times i did get the ip address to match but then the HAP ip address after the upload would still be so i know the aAREDEN tit not take
what am i missing?
Try following these steps in the install checklist. No need to change the IP to 192.168.88.x
Yes followed thos instructions it says row 4 set your computer interface to static in same range of your device.
You do not need to set your computer to an address of 192.168.88.x because your computer is running a PXE server which will automatically provide the hAP ac lite with an IP address in whatever range you choose. No matter what it was set to before, the hAP ac lite will get a new IP address from your computer's PXE server during the PXEboot process. The online AREDN install instructions suggest that you use an IP address range of 192.168.1.x because that is the IP segment which the AREDN firmware will eventually require during its NOCALL configuration process immediately after the firmware has been installed. Using 192.168.1.x simply eliminates the need to change your computer's IP address twice during the install process. I hope this helps.
I you want help in this forum, please use the instructions in the documentation on this site.
73, Chuck
I you want help in this forum, please use the instructions in the documentation on this site.
73, Chuck
Tell me how to interpret the following step besides (change the ip address to the range the router is in)
This is the check list
this is STEP 4
I did come her looking for help I came here for some one to fill me in on what i don't understand .
If i knew what I am doing wrong i would not need to ask.
I have gone thru theses steps and it has not worked. X 50 times or more with reboots and ip changes and many other attempts.
I will follow the instructions and help some of the above post have mentioned
MY DEVICE is that is the only thing I KNOW !
As I recall, it will not work unless you set that.
Did you set RFC951=1 (page 16 of the powerpoint I linked earlier)?
As I recall, it will not work unless you set that.
Terry, based on the online AREDN install instructions your PXE server config should look like below, with your computer's static IP address matching the DHCP Server address shown in the first highlighted row.

I am trying with diffrent computer today.
Also note that if you have more than one network connection (for example wired and WiFi), turn OFF any that are not being used for this operation.
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Cell 7313942028
That being said, I believe it has a hardware issue. When I boot into the .elf firmware it shows there is no available flash memory. I'm thinking the chip itself is defective.
Throwing this out there for the original poster. Sometimes pieces and parts go bad.