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GL-Inet AR150 and MikroTik hAP AC lite

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AC2OG's picture
GL-Inet AR150 and MikroTik hAP AC lite
AR150 and hAP both flashed with firmware version don't mesh at 5 MHz bandwidth. At 10MHz bandwidth yes. 
Is there a way to make them mesh at 5 MHz Bandwidth ?
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year

K6CCC's picture
I have a vague recollection
I have a vague recollection that one or the other of those flat out will not work at 5 MHz bandwidth.  I don't remember which one, and not even sure it was one of those.  Don't hold me to that either.
I have a couple hAPs, and two different GL-iNet nodes, but of course, not the AR150...  So I could do a test, but not your specific GL hardware.

nc8q's picture
Revisit: mikrotik-devices-and-5mhz-bandwidth

"Generally, the lower SNR for the larger bandwith can still achieve higher thoughput  
than half the bandwidth and higher SNR that cuts the max rate in half. "
by Joe Ayers.

AE6XE's picture
See this issue:
AC2OG's picture
hAP AC lite
Indeed the issue is on hAP. Doing a few more tests confirmed that all my MikroTik devices (RB LDF-2nD, RB911G-2HPnD) link at 5MHz BW together and with GL-Inet AR150 as well. 
I need both -2 and -1 channels and this forced me to work at 5MHz BW
AE6XE's picture
Since the frequency
Since the frequency designation is at center of bandwidth, ch -2 @ 10 and 5 MHz is in compliance of part 97, but 20 MHz is not. Possibly other reasons to not use 10MHz channel?
Comparison diagram

Here is a comparison chart of the differences between the two.  It's unfortunate that the Mikrotik hAP ac lite has that hardware issue, but the AR750 might be a good alternative for you.

K6CCC's picture
hAP not 20 MHz BW only.
The hAP does handle 10MHz bandwidth just fine.
AC2OG's picture
Here in Italy
You are right Joe! Moreover:
A). if I have a 10MHz BW node at 2,397 MHz, for sure I can't use a 2,402 MHz 10MHz BW co-located node.
B) Here, in Italy, the regulations of part 97 and part 15 are a bit different than in the U.S.A.
Thanks for your support
nc8q's picture
What are your frequency privileges?
What are your frequency privileges for 802.11n emissions? Are you indicating that you have no 900, nor 3400, nor 5800 MHz privileges? What about 2412<->2482 MHz? 73, Chuck
AC2OG's picture
Thanks to AB7PA for the comparison

For Chuck:
We don't have 900 and 3,400 MHz bands. We do have Channels on 5,765 and 5,835 MHz and also on 2,300 to 2,450 MHz for selected channels with restrictions and in ca-habitation with other services.
To build up my emergency network I can count on two frequencies at 5 GHz and two on 2,4GHz.
Of course, more frequencies/channels are better for an efficient mesh, but I must do with what I can count on. 
nc8q's picture
2,300 to 2,450 MHz - two on 2,4GHz.


One 10 MHz bandwidth channel on 2397 and
two 20 MHz bandwidth channels on 2412 and 2437 MHz ( falls within 2,300 to 2,450 MHz )
= three channels on 2.4 GHz.

Note that channel '-1' sits on the lower band edge of the US channel '1' at 20 MHz bandwidth.
IOW, one half of the modulation falls withing the channel '1' 20 MHz band-space.
This may not be an issue in your country.
I hope this helps,


AC2OG's picture
Question for AB7PA:
In the table chart, you mention only one LAN port, but I see three RJ45 of that one is a WAN, I suppose.
So the LAN ports seem to be two. Is it possible to further expand the LAN ports with a dump switch?
K6CCC's picture
Only one LAN port
One is WAN, one is DtD, and one for LAN.
AE6XE's picture
The port configuration is
The port configuration is documented -- scroll down to  "Ethernet Port Usage" section -- in the github README:

for the AR750
  • Left Port with internet globe icon: WAN (untagged)
  • Middle Port with "<..>" icon: DtDLink (vlan 2)
  • Right Port with "<..>" icon: LAN (untagged)
Yes, a dumb switch could be connected to the LAN port to extend the ports.


AC2OG's picture
AR750S-Ext (Slate)
Is the AR750S-Ext (Slate), AREDN suitable as well
nc8q's picture
No, NOT AR750S-Ext (Slate)
AE6XE's picture
I am building this image in

I am building this image in my private builds as I type this -- working to upgrade to latest openwrt 21.02.1 release.     If you have the AR750S-Ext device in hand, I am looking for hardware and individuals to test my images :) .   Separately contact me at callsign at arrl dot net, if able and interested. 


private build request

sent email


AC2OG's picture
private mail
Joe, I'm mailing you.

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