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Tunnel Client not loading

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KL7VK's picture
Tunnel Client not loading
I removed tunnels from HAp Lite and uploaded Mesh Chat. After Mech Chat tested and working fine I tried to reload Tunnel Client but error _Failed occurred.  Tried to restart olsr, reboot HAp, but nothing worked to get tunnels back.
HAp has Nightly 622 loaded.

Appreciate any help.
WU2S's picture
Tunnel software and Nightly Builds
The nightly builds only pull tunnel client or tunnel server software from the current build number.
Your unit is on build number 622.  The current (Nov. 20, 2021) night build is number 702.
So, in order to install or re-install tunnel software, the unit must be on build 702 as of this date.
Previous versions of the tunnel software within nightly builds are not available. 
KL7VK's picture
Thank you, sir. All is well
Thank you, sir. All is well again.

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