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New Mikrotik MantBox

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Kf7vol's picture
New Mikrotik MantBox

I guess I am glutton for punishment. We received another new radio the other day and this one is getting one over on us as well. That said I am coming into this with a recent victory under my belt. The radio is currently at another hams and I will be picking it up today for further testing. The specs of the radio are as follows.
The unit is a mANTBox2 12S
It's ID:  RB911G-2HPnD-12S
s/n: 918903E357FA/010/r2
I can successfully get the .elf (aredn-1546-a2f7da4-ar71xx-mikrotik-vmlinux-initramfs.elf) file to load via TinyPXE and the AREDN software runs from RAM.
I also can get the .bin file (aredn-1546-a2f7da4-ar71xx-mikrotik-nand-large-sysupgrade.bin) to upload to the radio (or at least with no apparent errors) from the Admin tab of AREDN Setup.

Like before any help you may have in this one is greatly appreciated!

Thank you,
kc8ufv's picture
We actually tested the first
We actually tested the first rev of that, and the second rev has just been fixed in the nightly builds. I've got 3 that I'm bench testing before they are installed at their permanent site, as well as I've just received one for myself to go up at home. These appear to be solidly built units, that we plan on having long term trouble free usage of. Technically, they are very similar radio hardware to the Mikrotik Basebox series, just with a built in antenna and no USB or internal mPCIe slot.
So the mANTbox does work with
So the mANTbox does work with AREDN with the nightly build?
kc8ufv's picture
At this point, you can use
At this point, you can use either the nightly or stable builds. Proceedure will be the same as the other Mikrotik equipment. It'll use the mikrotik-nand-large firmware file.
Great good to know!
Great good to know! Just got 2 basebox5's going on many 19s sectors! Pumping some RF into the air now.
kc8ufv's picture
Nice. And with the news on
Nice. And with the news on the AC chipsets, maybe the 5GHz mANTBoxes can be made to work in the future....
Ya that will be great to be
Ya that will be great to be able to use the AC products. So only the 2ghz version of the mANTbox is compatible at the moment? 
How come this is not on the compatible hardware list?

kc8ufv's picture
I think the last update of
I think the last update of the hardware list was around when we were testing the mANTbox2.
Ok. How often does that get
Ok. How often does that get updated?

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