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Setting up a rpi PBX for AREDN

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Setting up a rpi PBX for AREDN
Hello All,

Where would I find a tutorial on how to setup a PBX for use on the AREDN network. I have set one up for use at home before with a few extensions but is there anything else to note for adding one to the AREDN network?


nc8q's picture
Where would I find a tutorial

Where would I find a tutorial on how to setup a PBX for use on the AREDN network?

There may be no difference in setting up the PBX on an AREDN network compared to any other network.
The difference may be in the scope of the networks.
If you want to reach outside your local AREDN network, you may need NAT or Port Forwarding in the router sitting in-between.

I have set one up for use at home before with a few extensions but is there anything else to note for adding one to the AREDN network?

Nope. A PBX 'service' would be added to an AREDN network just like any other 'service'.

KD7ZWV's picture
Find It On
The site you linked is no longer related to Asterisk on RPi, but you can find it on here:
nc8q's picture
2024: PBX service on an AREDN network
This year, 2024, I have set up a few PBX servers on our local AREDN network using

73, Chuck

Thanks for the info! Will
Thanks for the info! Will keep playing.
G0SRG's picture
tunnel and pbx

we have set up a PBX on our mesh NEDNET.ORG.UK
Currently we are in lockdown so no RF tests are possible so we have set up a tunnel to connect the nodes. The FREEPBX/Asterisk RPI sits on the mesh LAN. Nothing specific required on port forwarding, it just works

Thanks Steve. Yes we got it
Thanks Steve. Yes we got it working and it's does just work for the most part! Some phones are a bit more work to get operational but it's coming along over tunnels so far.
km6zpo's picture
Good job on the PBX!
It took me a solid 2 weeks to work out the kinks in the FreePBX setup.  I now have it setup with extensions that can call each other via the PBX and also make and receive phone calls from an external SIP provider (

I have tested my phones in short range via RF and they do work.  I have yet to do a long range RF test.
Yes we have about 3 users on
Yes we have about 3 users on phones now over tunnels. Next is to try over RF soon once we get more infustructure in place! 
G0SRG's picture
pbx links and RF
Hi, yes we have also got about 10 extensions linked via the tunnels. We have also tried local RF and it works great. Low bandwidth. It also functions well with softphones on mobiles eg android via a wifi link to another rf node and then linking in. I have got our pbx connected to route via a trunk to my office pbx which also runs asterisk. I can diall 00633ext from my office extention to talk onto the aredn mesh pbx
 and then 00563ext back to my office. Our intension for the project is to have pbx's in geographical areas and then using dialcodes to route the calls between them. Good fun ahead.
If anyone want to do some testing across the water, then I am up for that.
Steve G4EKM
That sounds cool Steve.
That sounds cool Steve.
Yes we would like to run 2 PBX's trunked together to act as a backup is one fails. We are researching that at the moment. 
We may add external calling in the future. It fun learning this stuff! 

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