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PBE-M5-400 not responding.

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PBE-M5-400 not responding.

I have a PBE-M5-400 that appears to be dead.  Brand new antenna straight from the box I flashed ot with AREDN Software.  I was able to access it an configure everything.  Connecting it to our local mesh and was able to use meshchat and see other nodes in my area.  Next day in the morning it was frozen.  Tried to do a hard reset and nothing.  When plug to the POE injector 3 led lights light up and that''s about it.  Can't figure out what happened or how to fix it.  I tried to do a recovery pressing the reset switch and powering the unit to access it with tftp but mi computer won't recognize that a cable is connected.

Appreciate any help on this.

Thank you
nc8q's picture
PBE-M5-400 not responding.

Can you get the device into TFTP mode?
(Put the Ubiquiti device into TFTP mode by holding the reset button while plugging your node’s Ethernet cable into the POE port on the PoE adapter.
Continue holding the device’s reset button for approximately 30 to 45 seconds until you see the LEDs on the node alternating in a 1-3, 2-4, 1-3, 2-4 pattern,
then release the reset button.


Yes, tried it but no luck. 
Yes, tried it but no luck.  Stays stuck with the same lights all the time.  As soon as I plug it in all those lights come up and stays that way. 
nc8q's picture
I think it is broken.
I hope you can return it.
I have one, but I like the Mikrotik LHG-[HP]5nD models better.
IMHO, The Mikrotik models are cheaper, lighter, and easier to mount and aim.
Regards, Chuck
Thank you Chuck for your
Thank you Chuck for your prompt replies!  I'll try to return it.  Thanks for the  advice on the Mikrotik.

I'll keep you posted

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