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MikroTik hAP to Samsung S9 hotspot

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MikroTik hAP to Samsung S9 hotspot

My MikroTik hAP is set up as a WAN WiFi Client and can join my Netgear home router on the 5GHz side to distribute ntp to my nodes - works great.  But it won't join my Samsung S9 cellphone 5GHz hotspot.  Other 5GHz devices have no problem joining this hotspot - any ideas?  Yes, the SSID and WPA2 password are correct.
73, Ian N8IK

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KD1HA's picture

I'm not sure how that got configured like that but you want a LAN access point not WAN.

Denis KD1HA
Actually, I want WAN Wifi
Actually, I want WAN Wifi Client mode.  Trying to provide ntp via my hotspot.  This works perfectly from my dual-band home router. 
AE6XE's picture
Make sure your hotspot can do
Make sure your hotspot can do 5GHz.   Others have found some mobile devices do not support the band there are trying to use.

My Sprint hotspot is set up
My Sprint hotspot is set up for 5GHz and other devices (iPhone and iPad) can join.
what is channel -1 ?
when I do a WiFi scan (see attached) it looks like the hAP is on channel -2 and -1.  Is -1 some attempt to get to my 5GHz hotspot?
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I've the same thing with my
I've the same thing with my Google pixel 3a when set to 5GHz AP, on android 10. My workaround was to set hotspot mode on android to 2.4GHz instead. You will need to disable 2.4 GHz RF mesh on the mikrotik. The mikrotik AP could be then set to 5GHz of needed. I don't have a reason why this was for me. I have yet to retry now that android is up to 11 now on the pixel.
Currently the hAP only does
Currently the hAP only does AREDN on the 2.4 GHz band.  The 5 GHz band is for Part 15 LAN Access or WAN Wifi Client (but not both at the same time).
nc8q's picture
SSID and WPA2 password are correct.
Try with blank/null passphrase on the AP ?

Not allowed on my Sprint
Not allowed on my Sprint hotspot - requires WPA2 passphrase.

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