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AREDN release in march

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AE6XE's picture
AREDN release in march
As of Feb 29, 2020 the nightly build images have all the known changes/fixes and Openwrt upgrades sufficient to do a release.  These AREDN images are based on the Openwrt 19.07.2 release availabe today.  These AREDN nightly images could be the release candidate and final release, 1 year from the prior release.   Please update to this nightly image to give the confidence and prove the stability to be the release.

The numbers in the release version mean:

3 = all nodes with releases starting with the same number are fully compatible
20 = release was in 2020
03 = release was in March
0 =  initial release (1 = patch1, 2 = patch2, ...)

AA7AU's picture
Well done!

Fingers crossed, thanks to our fantastic AREDN team!

This will be an excellent line in the sand to then again move forward from. No more excuses for folks running really old versions now, and hopefully no reason to not move all the way up to the [upcoming] new stable release. Great news!

"March comes in like a lion" ... so does AREDN.

Happy happy joy joy,
- Don - AA7AU

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