Device Test status is here:
Below is the link to the images and packages for pre-nightly build ready for early testing. Please assist as able to help test. We are looking for confidence to put into the nightly build. Please only consider testing if you are confident with loading AREDN images and using basic linux shell command line to return diagnostic information.
* Do not put these images on devices at tower sites or other production sites
* If a device does not respond after trying an image, then follow the instructions to load the previous image via tftp or revert back to vendor's firmware and recovery procedures
* tunnel features are not available to install (necessary server side won't be setup until put into nightly build)
* packages can be installed manually, by finding all dependencies in the folders at the link below and manually uploading
* images are split between targets/ar71xx and targets/ath79 folders. If you can't find the image, look in the other folder. Some of the images have upgraded to ath79 target, which incorporates the most current linux features.
Known issues:
* ath79 nanostation-m-xw <- does not recognize boardID, so doesn't know power settings, but otherwise is functional
What is not yet known, to find out:
* the ath79 bullet-m image works on both the Bullet M2 and the NanoBridge M5. Any device that previously loaded the bullet-m image should also try this image.
* the ath79 bullet-m-xw image may support devices that previously loaded the Rocket-m-xw image. Give these devices a try, e.g. some PBE devices.
* please read the posts to see what has already succeeded. No need to post another "it succeeded again", but do post if a problem is found.
Capture this information
* Before upgrading a node, reboot, let stand 5 minutes on the local mesh, and then capture the free memory on the status page
* After the upgrade, do the same and post the "before / after" results. We are answering the question how improved linux has become in size and memory management.
ounds like these are definitely riskier builds than the standard nightly so =
will build a few test nodes first to run on with local links before placing =
anything on the production side of life.
Are these the same firmware that you linked on the SoCal e-Mail list last Monday? I note that the filenames are shorter than what I tested earlier this week (but the revision number appears to be the same).
I have not had time to see if I can bring back my MikroTik RouterBOARD LHG 2nD-XL that was bricked when I updated it. Maybe later this evening.
My MikroTik RouterBOARD RB952Ui-5ac2nD (hAP AC lite) is very much not stable with the code from last Monday. Won't stay connected the vast majority of the time. Went back to Nightly 1181 a couple days ago and it was stable. Upgraded to 19.07-1272c57 again today and it is again not staying connected. Interesting part is that the hAP it should be connected to is showing it there on charts, but not connecting.
Openwrt has switched to use Candela Tech (ct) 802.11ac driver instead of the upstream linux one (takes longer to get updates) and our build does not appear to be inheriting that change. I'll investigate and should have new images out shortly.
Rocket M5 XW:
I reboot node first, then wait 5 minutes, then applied 'aredn-ae6xe-19.07-1272c57-ubnt_bullet-m-xw-sysupgrade.bin' as suggested on the spreadsheet. Web interface showed 100% upload, and the 'Please Wait' pages.
A few minutes later, the node was back.
However, the firmware version was NOT newer. All indication is that the firmware above did not apply.
I started with '1181-c17f565' for 'rocket-m-xw'.
Should I use an alternate method for the ath79 firmware?
Or would you like me to try to upgrade with 'aredn-ae6xe-19.07-1272c57-ubnt-rocket-m-xw-sysupgrade.bin'?
'aredn-ae6xe-19.07-1272c57-ubnt-rocket-m-xw-sysupgrade.bin' upgraded fine on my rocket M5 xw.
Some differences to note. The 19.07 firmware has these additional packages stock that were in the firmware that the older version did not have built in:
cgi-io - 14
getrandom - 2019-06-16-4df34a4d-3
kmod-hwmon-core - 4.14.152-1
kmod-ipt-offload - 4.14.152-1
kmod-nf-flow - 4.14.152-1
rpcd-mod-file - 2019-11-10-77ad0de0-1
rpcd-mod-luci - 20191114
urandom-seed - 1.0-1
urngd - 2019-06-17-c057e177-1
Also, the older firmware had iperf 3 installed with these packages:
iperf3 - 3.5-1AREDN
iperfspeed - 0.5
So, my attached screenshots have those installed, too, to be fair:
iperf3 - 3.7-1AREDN
iperfspeed - 0.5
The attached screenshots are my rocket 5 minutes after reboot before the firmware upgrade, and 21 hours after installing the 19.07 firmware.
does not exist.
I have attached a list of the files/paths that do exist under /sys/devices/
I have attached the support file as well.
I don't have a node to test this on, this week.
Finally power cycled for about the 5th time and reloaded Nightly 1181. Almost immediately connected solidly. I have been pinging both directions for a while. This computer (connected to the hAP-at-home) reported 2 dropped packets out of 1179 sent.
Off to bed...
I realized after I did it, that I should have grabbed some more info before I reflashed it for 1181, but I was really tired... If you need me to get some specific information, feel free to ask. Should be able to get to it late tonight.
BTW, I reloaded 1181 because that is what I happened to have on the laptop :)
Ping statistics for
Packets: Sent = 26365, Received = 26364, Lost = 1 (0% loss),
Approximate round trip times in milli-seconds:
Minimum = 1ms, Maximum = 3233ms, Average = 104ms
Hi -- I tested the TP-LINK CPE210 v2.8 with the latest image. If I'm doing everything correctly, the image is not working properly.
I've loaded via the ftp method and then the webpage in the default application. Both behave identically. The image appears to load, but then upon reboot, the power light, and the LED furthest from power led come on. No network activity.
It seems to me the next step would be to find and latch on to an ICSP header -- but not if someone knows something that I don't. This is my first time tryying to load an AREDN image onto a device of any kind.
So -- I attempted to load "aredn-ae6xe-19.07test-2e35fec-cpe210-v2-sysupgrade.bin" from the UI -- and got the GUI error "Failure: The uploaded file is incorrect".
But -- I'm a troublemaker -- so I also tapped the UART interface. and the device spits out "[utilities_error: swCheckFirm:303] image size is out of range" I'm going to upload some files in a moment (either by editing this post or responding to it)
Edit: Okay -- just uploaded the readout from the UART.
Default Firmware At Bootup uses default firmware.
Test Results Loading Image shows the readout while loading the ...test....factory.bin image
Test Results Bootup shows the readout while booting up after loading the factory.bin image.
The device shows those same LEDs -- no network LED and no activity on the RJ45 port.
Hope this is useful to you in some way.
File: DefaultFirmware_bootup_trial2.txt: This is trying to boot some other firmware, I don't recognize it: Linux version 2.6.31 (jenkins@sohoiapbuild) (gcc version 4.3.3 (GCC) ) #1 PREEM
File: TestFirmware_AtBootup.txt: booting AREDN, don't see any errors, would need a data download to see more details (look for wifi SSID meshnode in first boot state if ethernet port is not responding?). Booting: Linux version 4.14.155 (joe@AE6XE-VM)
File: TestFirmware_LoadingImage.txt: looks like same as TestFirmware_AtBootup.txt plus it has the TFTP upload of recovery.bin. I don't see any errors in this data ether, need support data download for more details. Booting: Linux version 4.14.155 (joe@AE6XE-VM)
I just got a couple refurbished nodes in -- They are listed as version 2.0 (whereas my original pair are 2.8). Would it be of any benefit to try to load the images onto those? Or should I wait until I hear from you?
KK4ZUZ (Andrew is the contributor to get cpe devices working in AREDN) has tested cpe210 v2 using the "ar71xx" folder images. We have this marked as working (the v2.8 is a different row, still needs confirmation or fixes). You might repeat KK4ZUZ's test to confirm.
Updated my hAP-Portable to: AE6XE-19.07test-2e35fec

Connected right up to both 2GHz devices that it should have along with a DtD link. We'll see what it looks like in the morning.
The upcoming release of many new devices, bug fixes, and capabilities still has a few issues being worked out:
1) The openwrt release AREDN is based on, recently published another release candidate rc2, and there is a rc3 in the pipeline (this means we are still days/weeks away to see the openwrt official release).
2) There are 2 identified issues so far on Rocket M5 XW and Nanostation M5 XW devices still being worked.
3) Many models do not yet have any know testing to confirm all is working.
How can you help? Check the status here:
If you have a device that has not yet been tested, please down load the image and give a try here:
Hi, Joe
I have 3 of the untested devices.
I tried uploading aredn-ae6xe-19.07-1272c57-ubnt_bullet-m-xw-sysupgrade.bin
with keep settings, 2x, device reboots to 1010-8177bab;
without keep settings, 2x, device reboots to 1010-8177bab.
Since this is a new kernel, should I be trying the 'factory.bin' via tftp ?
I have a NB-M9 XM to test next.
My PBE-M5-400 is 'in service'.
I'll test it last.
"Loco M2 XW - the bullet-m-xw image was from the "targets/ath79" directory?"
Yes, I see no *bullet* in the /ar71xx/.
Trying this again with known working POE and cables. :-|
Tried 2x with ath79/generic/aredn-ae6xe-19.07test-2e35fec-ubnt_bullet-m-xw-sysupgrade.bin.
Rebooted to
Tried 2x with /ar71xx/generic/aredn-ae6xe-19.07-1272c57-ubnt-loco-m-xw-sysupgrade.bin
Worked the 2nd upload.
Can only set part-15 frequencies. 2412 ... 2484.
Links with my Bullet-M2, hAP, and GL-ar300M.
Hope this helps,
Loaded 19.07/ath79/generic/aredn-ae6xe-19.07-1272c57-ubnt_bullet-m-sysupgrade.bin
on the 1st attempt.
Orv W6BI
besides the bug... the node is stable with the nighty build!!!
73 Mathison KJ6DZB
Maybe a vlan issue or need to renew IP on the computer?
the node was originally loaded with It was a (loco-m-xw) LocoM5 US test date of 7/25/16. the br-wan interface failed to load. If I miss matched the firmware I was unaware of the mismatch.
after I flashed the current nighty build 1234-dcdd217 (support data suppled) the bug went away.
should I test another firmware?
I need to flash the node back to its original routeros-mipsbe-6.39.3.npk inorder to get aredn-1234-dcdd217-mikrotik-rb-nor-flash-16M-sysupgrade.bin to take. Other wise the node gets caught in a boot loop and has to be network loaded again.
Ive attached the support file from the Pxe .elf load. routeros-mipsbe-6.39.3.npk
If you interested I can push the newest routeros-mipsbe-XXXXX.npk and supply support data in the next post....
Loaded routeros-mipsbe-6.46.1.npk netinstall.
Loaded aredn-1234-dcdd217-mikrotik-vmlinux-initramfs.elf with PXE server
Loaded thru the web interface aredn-ae6xe-19.07test-2e35fec-mikrotik-rb-nor-flash-16M-sysupgrade.bin
Doesn't WORK I get group of 3 light flashing on and then off, then the usr led comes on for 30sec, then the sycle starts again.
Node doesn't connect over RF.... ?
It looks like 5ghz CH 166->184 are all compatible across the devices. Im guessing that the AREDN firmware dosent check the frequencies avalible in the device?
Im supplying the support data for the node that supports ch 149.
The command "iw phy phy0 info" does not show all the channels the AREDN firmware can be set to, e.g. 133. We can see the channel the node is set to with the "iw dev wlan0 info" command. Note, it always shows 20Mhz regardless and is blind to channel width settings:
The nodes would need to be on the same channel to link:
ath79: Y: partial
Notes: no channels showing, only freqencies. unable to retrieve boardid and shows model is being tested with yellow banner. But everything is working otherwise.
I have a Nanostation M5 XW. What firmware was used to confirm ath79 works for M5 XW? I haven't found one that works for my M5 XW for the pre-nightly. Specifically, I don't see one for nanostation-m-xw. Nothing in the ar71xx folder either. I have tried:
out of the ath79 folder, but every time my device ends up back to the original firmware when I wait for the update to complete.