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NW Indiana stations?

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NW Indiana stations?
Looking for AREDN stations in the Merrilville to South Bend corridor, anyone around?  I might have access to a nice tower, nearly 200 feet, in Michigan City, IN.

73, Bill, N4SV/9
W6GSW's picture
Let's discuss!


Please email me,, we may have lot's to discuss.  Thanks!


de Gary W6GSW

KA6ECT Trustee
Los Angeles Emergency Communications Team
Pasadena-San Gabriel Valley Emcomm Mesh

District Emergency Coordinator
Northeast District, Los Angeles Section
Amateur Radio Emergency Service

Let's discuss
Gary, sorry for the very late response to you, not sure what you can offer being in SoCal ans me being in NW Indiana, but please drop me a direct email,, if you have information to share related to AREDN nodes in the NW Indiana, SW MIchigan and Chicagoland area.
73, Bill, N4SV

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