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GL-USB-AR150: Strangeness

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nc8q's picture
GL-USB-AR150: Strangeness

I have a double node name ala
dtdlink.NC8Q-USB.local.mesh / NC8Q-USB.local.mesh (tun*-1)

Node Name = NC8Q-USB

However all the local mesh nodes are displaying:

dtdlink.NC8Q-USB.local.mesh / NC8Q-USB.local.mesh (tun*-1)

I have no clue why there is a double node name nor
why ('tun*-1)


Yep, noticed it here, too.
Same behavior noticed here.
Oliver K6OLI
K9CQB's picture
I had to reload the firmware.

I had a GL node that did that and I just reloaded the AREDN firmware and now they run rock solid. So now I just do the initial load and then as soon as I get NOCALL web access I change the node name and password, save changes and reboot; then I log on and install the firmware again under the admin page and leave the 'keep changes' checked. Then after that I go through and make my channel and distance changes (plus reboot) and then I install my other packages like iperfSpeed and Meshchat. 
This method takes 2 minutes more, but for some reason it makes for a more solid platform. I can only speculate why. 
-Damon K9CQB

K5DLQ's picture
When you FIRST install AREDN
When you FIRST install AREDN from OpenWRT, uncheck the KEEP SETTINGS box to prevent this.
Thank you, Damon and Darryl!
Simply reloaded the .bin from the Administration page, leaving "Keep Settings"  box unchecked.  That reset the node into the NOCALL state.  Re-entered the node call sign and password and the dtd.***  address is gone.  Works like a charm!
Again, thank you.
Oliver K6OLI 
K5DLQ's picture
(Alternatively, you can go

(Alternatively, if you forgot to UNCHECK the "Keep Settings" checkbox in OpenWRT, you can go the AREDN "Advanced Configuration"page and hit the "Reset to firstboot" button)

Thank you, Darryl!
That is good to know.
Oliver K6OLI

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