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Upgrade Rocket m2 XW AirOS 6.1.5 to AREDN

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Upgrade Rocket m2 XW AirOS 6.1.5 to AREDN

Rocket m2 xw with airvos 6.1.5 trying to load Nightly and it shows accepted,File size match however it never reboots.

IF i reboot after 15 mins it still shows AirOS 6.1.5  using the file to use Chart it says to load following.

Rocket M2 XW loco-m-xw 64Mb stable
nc8q's picture
trying to load Nightly

I think you mean Rocket M2 XW.

"trying to load Nightly"
Which: factory or sysupgrade?
How? TFTP?
" it shows accepted"
What is 'it' ?
In another thread you mentioned:
"I am on a win 10 pc so the tftp commands listed slight different"
Hmmmm, I thought the instructions were for Windows 10 and your commands should be the same.


Rocket m2 6.1.5xw
Yes I am on win 10 tftp and it brings up tftp commands when I  start from cmd prompt .
This is listed on the AREDN site 
  1. Open a command prompt in Windows (Start-Run: cmd.exe) or a terminal window on other systems
  2. A Windows TFTP client example follows:
    1. type:   tftp    [If your device is an AIRROUTER use]
    2. type: bin                 (This puts the transfer in the required "binary" mode)
    3. type: trace on         (This is optional, but will show you that it is transferring bytes to the device)
    4. type: put <then the full path to where you downloaded the AREDN firmware>
      For instance:   put c:\temp\aredn-
    5. The TFTP client should indicate that data is being transferred and eventually completes successfully
  I loaded Solarwinds and it monitored the port telling me it ws putting the file on the device and it was completed.

The lights were blinking in the pattern 1-3, 2-4, 1-3, 2-4  but they never stopped until I rebooted at 15+ mins

I am sure I missed a step someplace just don't see which step

Thanks for asking.

nc8q's picture
The lights were blinking in the pattern 1-3, 2-4, 1-3, 2-4 but

"but they never stopped"
Aha !
I am not familiar with Windows and had never heard of 'Solarwinds'.
However, here is the sequence of what the LEDs did during my TFTPing of 713 onto a NS M3 XM:
In TFTP mode the right four LEDs were blinking 1-3, 2-4, 1-3, 2-4,...
During the TFTP the 2nd LED from the left blinked while the transfer took place and
the right 4 LEDs no longer blinked.

(This is different than what you saw. Your right 4 LEDs continued to blink; 1-3, 2-4,...).

Next (and I am renaming the LEDs from the left) the LEDs blinked 4, then 5, then 6, then 7,
then 6, then 5, then 4, then 5, then 6, then 7,...
I exited my TFTP program and booted my computer into DHCP client mode.
After a few minutes (~4), I found my device in DHCP server and in 'NOCALL' state.

I suggest that you try another TFTP client.

Windows users: Please suggest went wrong and/or other Windows TFTP clients.


n0kfb's picture
Enable the built-in TFTP
Enable the built-in TFTP client in Windows:

--Dan Meyer / n0kfb

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