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Ubiquiti AirMAX LiteBeam M5 23 dBi (LBE-M5-23)

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VE3OY's picture
Ubiquiti AirMAX LiteBeam M5 23 dBi (LBE-M5-23)

Greetings folks!

I've looked through the available downloads and supported hardware, but nothing is listed for the LiteBeam.

Is this piece of hardware similar to any other?
Can it be used?
If so, which firmware should be flashed into it?


VE7TFM's picture
Litebeam firmware
Ok,  I have a Litebeam M5.  I have tried all of the XW images and the only one that actually boots up after the install is the image for the Nano-Loco XW.  
I get the "Experamental" header on the unconfigured node web page.  But
when I enter the call sign, password and distance end save it I get sent back to the unconfigured page.  It is like it can't save anything.

I hope someone is working on this.
AE6XE's picture
VE7TFM,  can you capture the
VE7TFM,  can you capture the support download from the Administration page and attach.  This will tell us what is going on and possible paths forward.

VE7TFM's picture
Support Data File Attached
I uploaded the latest nightly image for the Loco-M-XW-factory to the LiteBeam M5
The Support File is attached
k1ky's picture
Litebeam Firmware
Did you try a different browser?  Make small changes in the configuration, like just the distance and anything else that may be required for first setup and see if it will save.
VE7TFM's picture
We have 18 nodes in operation
We have 18 nodes in operation.  About half set up with this laptop.  Never had a problem before. The latest Linux Mint.  I use Chrome for a browser.  I don't think the browser is going to make a difference.  But,  Just in case,  I booted this laptop into Win7, it dual boots, Chrome windoz browser and , gasp, internet explorer 11, and no joy.  Same result. 
K5DLQ's picture
(The LiteBeam is not
(The LiteBeam is not currently a supported device)
VE7TFM's picture
Maybe not supported.  But
Maybe not supported.  But almost there???

Can I be of any assistance?  Test an Alpha firmware.

I'll see if i can get a "support data" file.

AE6XE's picture
VE7TFM,   OpenWrt has support
VE7TFM,   OpenWrt has support for this device.   It has a unique image.   I'll turn the options on to create it on top of the nightly build.   Should be able to do that this week.  I'll send an image on the side to test and we can go from there.

AE6XE's picture file? file?


Does anyone have access to post the /etc/ file from AirOS on the lbe-m5?   This is needed to know power settings and device ID.

AE6XE's picture
Test image to try for the lbe
Test image to try for the lbe-m5.   use tftp method to upload this image:

link will be time limited and no longer valid at some point in the future.    I need the to complete the settings for incorporating into the nightly build.  please go to admin page and download the support data download, assuming it boots up correctly.

VE7TFM's picture
Looks good so far.
Looks good so far.
I'll take the node out to a spot I can connect to another mesh node and let you know.

The board info file.  that comes from the LiteBeam running AirOS?
Ill boot back with the original factory image an see If I can find it.
Thanks.  This is great.
Image Attachments: 
VE7TFM's picture
/etc/ from AirOS 6
/etc/ from AirOS 6.1.8 (XW) on LiteBeam M5
Image Attachments: 
File Attachment: 
AE6XE's picture
VE7TFM and anyone with a
VE7TFM and anyone with a litebeam M5,

The definitions for the Litebeam M5 are now submitted to github and the lbe-m5 images will be created in the nightly build and available in the AM on Nov 8, 2018.   Please upgrade your devices and give everything a good work out. 

Joe AE6XE 

VE7TFM's picture
Joe,  Thats Awesome.  Can't
Joe,  Thats Awesome.  Can't wait for morning.
Ted,  VE7TFM
VE7TFM's picture
Morning Joe.
Loaded nightly build aredn-416-18098a6-ubnt-lbe-m5-factory.bin
Is it possable the vlan2 is broken?  the dtd never resolves the node name.  just the ip address.  This usually happens when the vlan2 is broken.
I have seen this in a misconfigure switch. 
But,  the only change here is the firmware.
the dtd in aredn-ae6xe-lbe-861de15-ubnt-lbe-m5-factory worked properly.
the dtd in aredn-416-18098a6-ubnt-lbe-m5-factory.bin does not.

Support data file attached.
Support File Attachments: 
AE6XE's picture
VE7TFM,  the support data
VE7TFM,  the support data shows vlan 2 dtdlink working Ok, it has established links across vlan 2.  When only IP addresses are showing, this is generally related to olsr or dns issues.    It's possible you ran into this issue: .   If so, reboot the node and/or "/etc/init.d/olsrd restart" to see if the names start showing.  This isn't prevalent, but does occur occasionally and is not unique to these new device.   Everything can be accessed directly by IP address to get to a remote node, just doesn't have a hostname communicated around the mesh.
VE7TFM's picture
Hi Joe.
Hi Joe.
Restarting the olsrd fixed it.
Good to know.  I have seen olsrd related info.
I run linux by default on my primary desktop so familiar with linux processes.
I am stoked.
Thanks for your help!!!!!

VE7TFM's picture
Hi Joe

Hi Joe
Another question
the file says:


The ubiquiti spec sheet for the litebeam says 25 dBm
the Max power I can get from the litebeam on AREDN is 19dBm
channels below 5850 might be limited by UNII or something but above there should be no limit.
from the SupportDataFile 
HT TX/RX MCS rate indexes supported: 0-7
MCS0 is 25 dBm
Is this just the way it is or can this be adjusted???

Is this what you ment by hammering away at it?
----got me thinking...
Looking at the same info for a pbe-m5-400 we have in our system.
The Basic Setup page shows 26 dBm, the data file in the support data shows 22 dBm
Is this a bigger problem?  Or am I reading it wrong?

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AE6XE's picture
Hang on, just noticed
Hang on, just noticed something.  This is a single antenna device, not a MIMO device since only goes to MCS7 rates.  I didn't realize that.  his may be the problem.   need to make a change accordingly and push an update to the nightly build.   A file on your device can be edited to manually make the correction.  

In /www/cgi-bin/ , make the following change:

    '0xe865' => {
      'name'            => 'LiteBeam M5',
      'comment'         => 'Testing LiteBeam M5',
      'supported'       => '-1',
      'maxpower'        => '19',
      'pwroffset'       => '6',
      'usechains'       => 1,            # <   change this "1" to a "0"   for single antenna device
      'rfband'          => '5800ubntus',
AE6XE's picture
The definitions in AREDN for
The definitions in AREDN for max power are not what one might expect.    The value stated for maxpower,  need to add the power offset value to determine the real max power. 

VE7TFM's picture
Ok, Power settings make sense.
What is the Power Offset value used for?  I see it is all over the place on different devices.
AE6XE's picture
On Ubiquiti devices there
On Ubiquiti devices there must be some built in hardware offset between the wireless chipset and the Power Amp.   The linux kernel has no knowledge of this offset and all the commands to set tx power using the "iw" command  are (real_max_power - offset).  So in the litebeam case, when setting the power in linux,  "iw dev wlan0 set txpower fixed 1900"  would really mean the max power ( in mBm ) is 2500 .   It is 600 (the offset) higher.

If you do the command "iw phy phy0 info",  I'd expect linux to report (19.0 dBm) as the max power for all channels.  But this is really 25dBm with the 6dBm offset.   Is this where you pulled the 19 dBm value originally.  If so, then all is as it should be.

VE7TFM's picture
Joe,  Do I need to TFTP a new
Joe,  Do I need to TFTP a new "factory" nightly build or can I use the "sysupgrade" build via the admin GUI?
AE6XE's picture
Yes, upload the nightly build
Yes, upload the nightly build sysupgrade image from the Admin page and keep settings.    tftp of the factory image still works, but longer path to retype in the settings.

Joe AE6XE   
VE7TFM's picture
VE7TFM's picture
I notice that the LightBeam

I notice that the LightBeam node does not show up on the OLSR-Topology map.  is that because it is still experimental?
I certainly appears to work and shows on all  mesh status displays.  
I have it up and aimed at one of the main 5.9Ghz nodes in the local mesh network.

AE6XE's picture
Both OLSR-topology and mesh
Both OLSR-topology and mesh status pull data from the same source, OLSR.      If OLSR-topology is run from a given node, grab the support dump from that node and also confirm if the litebeam is showing in mesh status or not.     I'm assuming OLSR-topology was not run direct on the litebeam in the current example?   I'd want the support dump on both the litebeam and the remote node where OLSR-topology was run to see the state of OLSR data on both sides of the fence.


VE7TFM's picture
Files attached

Files attached

Image Attachments: 
AE6XE's picture
Ted,   Is it possible the
Ted,   Is it possible the olsr topology data was captured when the litebeam had just been booted are was not yet booted - a timing issue?   OLSR is showing in the support dump the litebeam in the topology and HNA tables on VE7TFM-300.  The data is in the same order in the dot_draw output, except the missing litebeam.
Why the litebeam is not showing in the olsr topology output from the dot_draw plugin is still a mystery.    If you rebooted everything in unison, waited ~3 min, can the problem be reproduced?  
VE7TFM's picture
Hi Joe

Hi Joe
the LiteBeam is in the output from the olsrd_dot_draw plugin
I have been playing with the perl script.
The LiteBeam is in the olsrd dump that the script gets from the VE7TFM-300 or if you "telnet localnode 2004".
I hacked the script to to get the resolved dump that is handed to imagemagick,  the litebeam is in that list. 
so for some reason imagemagick or graphviz is unhappy with that input????
still digging.

File Attachment: 
VE7TFM's picture
The issue is with the perl

The issue is with the perl script i am using.
it wasn't saving the .dot file to pass to imagemagick so was using an old file.
it must have worked at some time???  It is working now.

Image Attachments: 
Support File Attachments: 
Hate to revive an old thread, but.... LBE-M5 support?
Any update on the Litebeam M5? Is there an image that works? 

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