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Looking to get started in AREDN in the NTX area

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Looking to get started in AREDN in the NTX area

Looking for contacts in the North Texas region that I can coordinate with as far as getting my QTH setup to assist with the AREDN infrastructure in my area, specifically West Plano.

Frequencies available or needed for coverage, equipment choices, etc.

Any information is appreciated.

I'm in central Plano. I have
I'm in central Plano. I have 4 NSM nodes (most popular choice mes), 2 2.4 GHZgz and 2 5 Tgz nodes. I have not configured them,I think we could work together to play with basic setup. Doesn't lend itself to solo testing. but if you'd like to meet up to experiment with some local testing, I'm open to getting together to configure, learn and help figure out what you want to start with. I have all the needed "glue logic", cable crimoers, etc. Rick.

Thanks for reaching out with the offer. I would be happy to collaborate with you on this. I'd like to do a bit more reading/studying, and obtain some basic hardware to toy with. Let me know if you have any model numbers of hardware that would be a good starting point.

I have read that the bullet radios are not preferable. Do you think that is true?

Also, let me know if any of the items on this list are viable or not, or if there are better choices for adding to the infrastructure.

Nano Station 2
Airgrid m2 w/ mounting hardware
Nano Station 2 NO P.O.E.
Airgrid m5 w/ mounting hardware
Powerstation 2 w/ mounting hardware
Bullet m2
Bullet m5
Bullet 2hp
Nanostation m5
Airgrid m2 w/ mounting hardware
Nanobridge m5 w/ mounting hardware 

K5DLQ's picture
FYI, I marked the ones that

FYI, I marked the ones that are NOT SUPPORTED by AREDN...

Nano Station 2
Airgrid m2 w/ mounting hardware
Nano Station 2 NO P.O.E.
Airgrid m5 w/ mounting hardware
Powerstation 2 w/ mounting hardware
Bullet m2
Bullet m5
Bullet 2hp
Nanostation m5
Airgrid m2 w/ mounting hardware
Nanobridge m5 w/ mounting hardware 

AND added:

Nanostation M2

* Bullets are NOT recommended because they are not MIMO capable (ie.  dual polarity/dual chain).

Thanks for the education on that hardware list. ;)

I saw it on CL, at decent prices, so had my hopes up for inexpensive hardware.

What hardware is generally recommended for 2.4/5GHz?

K5DLQ's picture
My preferences:
My preferences:

for HAM deployed node: Nanostation M2 or M5
for backbone sites:  Rocket M3 or M5
Great....thanks for the input
Great....thanks for the input!
Quick clarification....

I see you stated that you had marked the non-compatible items, but I see the Nanostation M5 in the list. I am not able to tell which items were actually marked (I had assumed the whole list was what you meant, until I realized the Nanostation M5 was a discrepancy).

If you don't mind, can you list the compatible items from the list? Just trying to learn what I can, and also take advantage of the low prices that are in the  resource I posted.

Thanks for your time/patience.
Image Attachments: 
K5DLQ's picture
sorry.  my initial
sorry.  my initial strikethrus did not show.  they should now.
No problem, and thanks for
No problem, and thanks for your time on this.
AA7AU's picture
Bullet 2hp?

Back in May, you wrote: "I marked the ones that are NOT SUPPORTED by AREDN... -- Bullet 2hp"

We ended up with a used Bullet "2HP" and don't know what to do with it. We have a number of Bullet M2s that work just fine (even with not being MIMO). But, I can't seem to find much info on this 2HP model. With the latest and greatest new TFTP loading process, will the current AREDN release now work on this ... or is the 2HP just never going to be AREDN usable?

TIA, - Don - AA7AU

K5DLQ's picture
Looking for nodes in Northlake/Argyle
Hello, I'm looking for nodes to link up with in the Northlake/Argyle area.  I'm on the West side of I-35W.  Thanks!

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