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Darryl K5DLQ

Darryl's first work in mesh networking was to "product-ize"  the tunneling solution to make it easy for any HAM to configure and use.  It was originally released as an add-on script for BBHN v3.0.2, but more recently, has been improved and now is included with the AREDN firmware.  Darryl has also developed some of the user interface enhancements and other features since joining the AREDN development team.

Darryl was first licensed as KF5MRT, a General in 2011. The same day, he applied for a vanity call and was granted K5DLQ.  In 2012, Darryl upgraded and currently holds an Amateur Extra class license.  Darryl is also accredited as a Volunteer Examiner and Emcomm Field Examiner by the ARRL.  Previously, Darryl held the position of Communications Director for the E1488 CERT organization.  During his two year tenure, he worked with other operators to establish a communications plan, held a packet workshops, held desktop and simulated emergency training exercises, and liaised with Montgomery County ARES.  He has held numerous Technician Class sessions for area CERT groups and operators.  Darryl has been associated with Montgomery County ARES since August 2011 (a day before he received his first General class call), and in January 2015 was elected as a Director of Montgomery County ARES where he still serves today.

While not playing with 2.4Ghz, he also enjoys the occasional ragchew on the local VHF repeater.  That is, when he is not traveling around the globe with his “day job”.  He also enjoys the occasional PSK31 contact on HF, but, is getting spoiled with the speed and bandwidth advantages of the microwave bands.  Darryl’s interest in amateur radio began in elementary school.  While visiting a school friend, her father introduced him to his HAM shack.  He has been hooked on electronics ever since.  He has a background in electronics, software development, and instructional design.
Darryl enjoys time with his wife, Mary, and daughter, Sarah, as well as volunteering as a camera operator at his church in The Woodlands, TX, USA.


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