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Texas VOIP server

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Texas VOIP server
Hi All, 

I've been requested to setup a local Texas SIP server, how much interest would there be to having that happen?  

What would you like to see hosted on it? External connectivity, different protocols, cross linking to radios, etc.   

Let me know and I can make it happen. 

Texas VOIP server
If this VOIP server could also include a connection to D-Star connections.
I know it's possible so I don
I know it's possible so I don't see why not.  Would also be something else I can add to my car via softphones to radio patches. 
nc8q's picture
'SIP server' .vs. PBX
Hi, Miranda:

How does a SIP server differ from a PBX?
There is a PBX in Texas connected to an AREDN network of 2000+ nodes.

73, Chuck
N5MXI's picture
PBX in Texas???

Who has the PBX in Texas?

How can we get an extension?
nc8q's picture
Who has the PBX in Texas?
Hi, David:

I may have misspoke.
I have a trunk with k5glh in Oklahoma.
My bad.
However KJ5CMB, just yesterday, has a PBX (MeshPhone?) in
Texas and may be trunked with Gerard WT0F in Florida.
If you can 'see' my nc8q-raspbx via a supernode tunnel, I can assign you (a) temporary extension(s).

73, Chuck

Late to the conversation
Things are changing. I'm setting up rack based PBX and supernode. I can setup a sip now. PM me and I'll setup a sip and WG connection. When you move to the rack it won't change anything. Basically move you without bothering any changes. This will give improved connection and latency. My call sign has changed. I need to update it here. 



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