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New Mikrotik ac3 with RouterOS V7.8 installed by the factory. -problem?

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New Mikrotik ac3 with RouterOS V7.8 installed by the factory. -problem?
Hi, I just got a Mikrotik hAP ac3 with RouterOS v7.8 installed.   I read in the Aredn docs that I need to downgrade the RouterOS to v6.x and then flash the Aredn FW.  I've also read that you can not flash the ac3 with a version of the RouterOS earlier than what came from the factory.  So it seems I should send this back for a refund, if I understand correctly.  Much of this knowledge is from the OpenWrt page on the subject.   I've successfully flashed 6 hAPac Lites, 4 SXTsq5ac and 2 SXTsq lite 2 nodes, so I know the process.  Does anyone have recent practical experience or advice?  Thanks in advance.

K6CCC's picture
Try and flash it.
Try and flash it.  If it fails, you at least tried.  I flashed my hAPac3 about 6 months ago.  Did not look to see what the RouterOS version was before I started.  Had no trouble.
Will do!
I will try to flash it and report back here, for the next guy with a similar question.  Thanks
flash with did not "take"
I flashed with  saw the "do read" on the Tiny PXE but no Arden node at, or anywhere else.  Also no RouterOS.  Eventually the RouterOS reappeared, thank goodness!   What version of Aredn did you use?

This has happened to me a few times before and I will re-try the flashing, but would like to use the version that worked for you, if possible.  Thanks
w6bi's picture
Did you swing the Ethernet cable from port 1 to port 2 after the do read?   That's where the AREDN code will appear when it boots.
Yes I switched to the LAN.   Thanks for the reminder, I often need them...   It was not a rigorous effort, just one attempt.  I have 4 hAP ac lites to flash for friends and I've finished 3.  Once I get those done, I return to the ac3.   
K6CCC's picture
No idea on version at that time
I don't remember what version it was when I flashed my hAPac3 six months or so ago.  Might have been whatever was the current production release, but more likely it was whatever was the current Nightly Build at the time.  And I never booted it into RouterOS before I flashed it, so no idea what ROS version it had been.  And once it is flashed with AREDN code, I don't know of a way to see what the factory Mikrotik firmware version is.

Flashed two ac3's with the
Flashed two ac3's with the recent stable version of AREDN as per the how to, both devices were 7.8 (IIRC) - definitely higher than the v6.x and I also couldn't downgrade rOS. 
flashed easily with
Flashing went smoothly with  I am very happy not to have to downgrade RouterOS etc.   Thanks to all for the help!
RouterOS Change Log
Congratulations on getting your hAP ac3 running with AREDN  What did you do that brought success?

If you are curious about what RouterOS your new node may have been running, or at least an upper bound, the Router OS Change Log can be found at 

When the link opens, I think you need to go to the MikroTik site, and select  Software. Check both the Stable Release Tree and Long Term Release Tree.


-- Tim K5RA
Hate to drag up an old thread
Hate to drag up an old thread, but I Have one of theses routers and I am curious about what you did to get it to work. 
Never mind. I am up and
Never mind. I am up and running. No down grading. I installed the nightly build via pxesrv and it worked without a hitch. I did go in and change the IP address in the router to before I started install.

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