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YAAC - "Yet Another AREDN Conference"

Last fall's on-line AREDN Conference went so well that the AREDN team will hold another one this fall.  We're soliciting your ideas for interesting topics for the conference.

Your suggestions requested!  Send to Orv W6BI (

Updated date: Wednesday, March 17, 2021 - 20:01

AREDN 2020 Conference Recap

The AREDN team thanks all who attended our 2020 conference to make it a big success.
We also thank Orv W6BI, our AREDN Ambassador, for managaing the event and recording the presentations.
We have started a YouTube channel where we we will post the presentations, Please subscribe.
AREDN YouTube channel link

Updated date: Sunday, October 25, 2020 - 19:22

AREDN® Overview on YouTube

Steve AB7PA just released a YouTube video that he produced to explain the basics of establishing an AREDN mesh network. In just over 17 minutes, Steve answers all the questions you might have if you are new to mesh networking. Take a look at Steve's video here.

Updated date: Saturday, October 31, 2020 - 11:39


AREDN® Release Notes v3.20.3.1 – Preliminary 9 July 2020

The AREDN® team is pleased to announce the general availability of the latest stable release of AREDN firmware. We now fully support 70+ devices from four manufacturers. This diversity of supported equipment enables hams to choose the right gear for a given situation and budget.

Here is a summary of the significant changes since was release:

  • Migrate all remaining TP-Link models to ath79 target
  • Fix CPE510 v3 image not installing
  • Fix Ethernet port to fully conform with AREDN expected usage on NanoStation M5 XW
  • Added ability to change and revert firmware and package download paths
  • Added target type info (ar71xx/ath79) to admin page
  • Fix issue with the map on the setup page PR #501
  • Added "aredn alerts" feature in header
  • Fix firewall blocking traffic when using tunnel PR #524
  • Added support for Mikrotik r2 hardware
  • Bump to OpenWRT 19.07.3
  • Use "mode ether" for tunnel links reducing ETX to 0.1
  • Change default map tile server url away from MapBox PR #527
  • Allow ping from WAN to node

Please refer to for a list of...

Read More
Updated date: Thursday, July 9, 2020 - 19:19



David Sarnoff Radio Club March 19 2019

Randy Smith, WU2S will give a presentation to the David Sarnoff Radio Club on Tuesday, March 19, 2019 at 7:30 pm. The club meets at the American Red Cross, 707 Alexander Rd Suite 101, Princeton, NJ 08540.
Randy will show that high-speed multimedia mesh networking is a 21st century solution for hams who provide communications support to emergency responders. This presentation will showcase recent advancements in the Amateur Radio Emergency Data Network (AREDN) project, how people are deploying it, and examples of applications and services provided.

QSO Today Interviews Andre K6AH

Eric Guth, 4Z1UG / WA6IGR writes "Andre Hansen, K6AH, and his team of open source developers have taken amateur radio mesh networking to a new level with AREDN, that allows commercial low cost WIFI routers and access points to be used to build out local and regional broadband networks in the amateur bands above 2 GHz. Andre and I discuss this technology and its possibilities for the amateur radio community in this QSO Today."

Listen to the QSO Today podcast here.

"QSO Today is a podcast about amateur radio also known as ham radio.  Every week, I interview a leader, a mover and shaker, in the amateur radio world.  Many of the technologies that we enjoy today including television and radio, cell phones, computers, and the Internet were born out of the amateur radio experience. Amateur radio was the frontier where hams conducted electronic experiments in order to make that wireless contact around the World."

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