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QST Magazine Article - AREDN A High-Speed Data Network

Andre Hansen, K6AH wrote an article, published in the June 2017 edition of QST, offering a thorough discussion of a high-speed multimedia network for public service applications..

​We present the full article here, which was reprinted with permission from the June 2017 issue of QST, a publication of the ARRL, the national association for Amateur Radio®

Updated date: Wednesday, December 5, 2018 - 21:55

Announcing the Availability of Release Candidate #1 of Our Upcoming v3.17.1.0

AREDN encourages users to load ( click Release Candidates) and test version and report any issues to the Forum.

​Release Notes 3.17.1.RC1

These notes accompany our Release Candidate-1 and describe changes since our last major production release, v3.16.1.0.

New Device Support

Added support for additional Ubiquiti devices which are now flagged as “In testing”:

  • AirGrid M5 (XW)
  • NanoBeam M5-16 (XW)
  • NanoBeam M5-19 (XW)
  • NanoStation Loco M5 (XW)
  • NanoStation M5 (XW) (in
  • Rocket M5 (XW)
  • Rocket M5 (with GPS)
  • PowerBeam M2-400​
  • PowerBeam M5-300​
  • ​PowerBeam M5-400
  • Added support for newer TP-Link device revisions:

    • CPE210 v1.1

Security Fixes

  • SCS-2017-001 – High Severity
    • A remote Denial of Service flaw impacting ALL RELEASES of the AREDN/BBHN branded firmware since at least version 0.4.3. Immediate upgrade to (or newer) is recommended to ensure stability of the mesh nodes....
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Updated date: Wednesday, December 5, 2018 - 21:57

CQ Magazine Article - Mesh Networking and AREDN

Don Rotolo, N2IRZ wrote an article, published in the January 2017 edition of CQ Magazine, updating readers on the world of mesh networking.

​We present the full article here, which was reprinted with permission from the January 2017 issue of CQ magazine, copyright CQ Communications, Inc.

Updated date: Thursday, August 2, 2018 - 21:47


Development Code Branch Now Available

Last year AREDN moved away from a formal set of beta test scripts and dedicated testers to a more agile beta general-release model.  Users were eager to get their hands on features they requested months earlier and help us test in preparation for a production release.   While we have been happy with the results, we have noticed that features that take a long time to develop only see the light of day months after development.  We have no easy way to learn from them before beta release.  Today, this is changing.
We are going to give anyone who wants it, access to the AREDN development branch builds, which includes the latest features we are developing… even before we are done with them!
We have been criticized by some for putting out too many releases.  Our philosophy, which does differ from some other organizations, is very much aligned to the vast majority of open source projects in the industry.  We are completely committed to following this successful model. It is an approach that is more suitable to our nature characterized by: dynamic requirements, a small number of developers, a culture that readily responds to change, and a user community of hams comprised of a highly technical subset who are mature enough to distinguish bleeding-edge from production-ready software.
AREDN uses a continuous integration build server (CircleCI)...
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Updated date: Sunday, July 24, 2022 - 20:39



Installing AREDN on Mikrotik using Windows

The new Mikrotik devices supported by AREDN are great, but the installation procedure for loading AREDN firmware on them using a Linux computer has been intimidating to many in our community.

There is no reason to fear any longer.

Ray KK6RAY (formerly KM6WUH) devised a procedure to install AREDN firmware on Mikrotik using a Windows computer. The widespread familiarity with Windows and fewer steps in Ray's procedure should greatly reduce any anxiety you may have about trying a Mikrotik unit.

Ray produced a 20-minute video to demonstrate the installation procedure. The video is on YouTube here.
In addition to a Windows computer, an AREDN-supported Mikrotik device (see Supported Platform Matrix), and an Ethernet cable, you will need:

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hAP ac lite 5GHz LAN Access Point

Joe AE6XE reports that the  Nightly Build available on Nov 28, 2018 will now include capability to use both wireless cards in the hAP ac lite device.  The 2GHz is the Mesh RF and now the 5GHz is a standard part 15 Access Point bridged with the LAN network.   This means that LAN mesh devices can be both on wifi and physically on the Ethernet port, both allocated the IP addresses assigned for the LAN network.   

For now, the 5GHz channels overlapping Doppler Radar are not selectable -- the "DFS" channels.   This will be an add on later to integrate in these channels. 

The code changes that make this possible, also make the following capability readily doable and are in the pipeline for the nightly build:

1) Activating the Nanostation XM devices' secondary Ethernet port to be standard AREDN functionality (and daisy chain devices with poe passthough).
2) Ability to enable/disable the following for single wireless card devices -- only one active on the wireless at a time or both disabled:
     a) mesh RF as we know today
     b) LAN Access Point for...
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