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AREDN production software version is now available, with many new features and enhancements. The AREDN team would like to thank those individuals who contributed to this release:
Tim KN6PLV; Paul K3PGM; Darryl, K5DLQ; Gerard WT0F; Jacob, KI5VMF; Bailey KK6ORT; Steve AB7PA
Go forth and upgrade - your network will thank you!
AREDN nightly build 20240417 has been designated as the release candidate for the next production release. If you haven't tried a nightly build recently, we encourage you to do so. There's a ton of enhancement and updates. They've all been tested, but having more people use them helps any subtle issues that might be remaining be uncovered. Here's a list of the many changes since the last production release:
Wireguard tunnels
Configurable DHCP options
Antenna information
Watchdog support
Remote logging
Mikrotik mANTbox 2 12s
GL.iNet E750
GL.iNet GL-B1300
GL.iNet GL-MT1300
Ubiquiti Litebeam 5AC LR
Ubiquiti Nanobeam 2AC
AREDN will be incompatible...
Here are the release notes for AREDN production release, derived from nightly build 20231018
Added supernode support.
"Supernodes" are specially configured AREDN nodes in various locations which support a "mesh of meshes". With this release your localnode will automatically detect a nearby supernode, if one exists, and will show a new button on the Mesh Status page, labeled "Cloud Mesh". Clicking on that button will take you to the Mesh Status page of that supernode and show you all the nodes and services on the Cloud Mesh. You can navigate to any of them as though they were on your local mesh.
The URL for the supernode map is Clicking on any of the node types in the upper-right-hand corner of the map will filter all other nodes out, showing only the types selected.
Remember and reinstall packages after firmware upgrade (AFTER this version is installed)
Simplified search tool
Added LZ77 decompression for Mikrotik firmware, which is now using a different compression method
Improved dual radio...
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Thanks to KN6PLV for his work on the Supernode code and map!
Steve KC0EUW produced a short video to help you select the right AREDN mesh radio for your needs. He explains the use of the Supported Platform Matrix to verify the types of suitable devices. Steve then walks you through the types of operational situations you may encounter. He completes the selection process by using the Device Selection Spreadsheet created by Andre K6AH to make well-informed choices about radios that meet your requirements.
You can view Steve's video here.
Andre Hansen K6AH presented an update on the status of the AREDN Project at the Yuma Hamfest on Saturday, February 15, 2020
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