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There are NO alerts at this time.
Coming to an AREDN nightly build near you soon - a shiny new UI :-)
This YouTube overview by Tim KN6PLV explains why the AREDN devs decided a new UI was needed for the AREDN software. Tim goes into the reasons why, then does a deep dive into every corner the new UI. Folks who have seen it like it a lot. Check it out!
Steve AB7PA has provided a preview of the documentation for the new UI here: This will eventually become available under after the new UI appears in the Nightly Build.
AREDN production software version is now available, with many new features and enhancements. Besides a fix for an RF link issue that snuck past beta testing release, this release contains these fixes and enhancements:
Added MTR support via installable package (mtr-nojson).
Improved iPerf3 service to provide data line by line rather than at the end.
Now use the closest supernode rather than first discovered supernode.
Made LQM+OLSRD improvements where weak connections are detected.
Now detect "leaf" nodes and prevent them being blocked.
New Device Support
Antenna: Mikrotik 30 dBi 5° Dish
Antenna: airMAX 2.4 GHz, 24 dBi 6.6° RocketDish
Antenna: airMAX 3 GHz, 26 dBi 7° RocketDish
Antenna: airMAX 3 GHz, 18 dBi, 120° Sector
Antenna: airMAX 3 GHz, 12 dBi Omni
Antenna: airMAX 5 GHz, 30 dBi 5.8° RocketDish Light Weight
The AREDN website has recently been freshened behind the scenes!
There's a new download server. It's faster and now supports https and rsync
The AREDN legacy map has been supplemented with a new interactive map called the AREDN World Map.. Since it's aware of the supernode network, you can zoom into any area on the map that has a supernode.*
Features of the World Map:
If you click on one of the colored node icons in the upper-right hand corner, you select only those nodes on the map. For example, if you click on the supernodes icon, you'll see only the supernode network.
If you click on a node's icon, you'll get a pop-up window containing all that node's vital data.
If you click on a tunnel, you'll get a pop-up window listing the node at each end of the link, the distance between the nodes, and what type of link it is.
In the upper-left hand corner is a menu containing:
topology - several map background choices
data - download database, available in several formats
channel - selectively shown any channel
phone - a map designed for a handheld device
find - will...
Bill Richardson NG1P presents his views on organizing an AREDN mesh network in Maine at the ARRL Convention in Lewiston, Maine on April 1 and 2, 2022.
The presentation is here.
Joe AE6XE described typical AREDN deployment scenarios with Ham Radio 2.0 host Jason KC5HWB. He offered advice on how to get started and choosing suitable devices.
His presentation slide deck is here.
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