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TAPR 2016

​AREDN Team to Attend TAPR 2016

The AREDN team will be attending the 35th Annual ARRL and TAPR Digital Communications Conference on September 16-18, 2016, St Petersburg, FL.

Our very own, Andre, K6AH, will be presenting an update on the AREDN project at 1:00 pm on Friday September 16. His paper builds on an AREDN paper published in the proceedings of the ARRL and TAPR 34th Digital Communications Conference 2015. Where that paper introduced the technology and the work of the AREDN Project software development team, this paper picks up where that leaves off and describes techniques for deploying AREDN in support of AUXCOM.

We plan to be in the demo room to show some AREDN applications. We would love to see you there.

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