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- You may notice that the new AREDN download page has firmware for two targets/architectures (ar71xx and ath79). You should select the latest image based on the type of hardware (and the recommended target) on which it is to be installed.
- IMPORTANT: Refer to the list of Known Issues in the release notes:
The current AREDN software is available here

Installation Instructions
Ubiquiti Devices
- If you have an earlier version of AREDN firmware on this device, use the user interface (UI) on the Administration page under Setup. Use the correct sysupgrade file. NOTE: Ensure that your WAN type is set to DHCP and not static. Upgrading with a static type of WAN address will brick the node and require a TFTP upgrade.
- If you are installing AREDN firmware on a new device, use the TFTP method to install AREDN firmware.. Use the correct factory file.
TP-Link Devices
- If you have an earlier version of AREDN firmware on this device, use the user interface (UI) on the Administration page under Setup. Use the correct sysupgrade file.
- If you are installing AREDN firmware on a new device, use the user interface (UI) from the PharOS (TP-Link firmware) setup page. Use the correct factory file.
Mikrotik Devices
- If you have an earlier version of AREDN firmware on this device, use the user interface (UI) on the Administration page under Setup. Use the correct sysupgrade file.
- If you are installing AREDN firmware on a new device, use the special Mikrotik method to install AREDN firmware. Use the correct factory (ELF) file initially, then, the correct bin (sysupgrade) file.
- The "Factory" and "Sysupgrade" files have the complete AREDN firmware. However, the "Factory" version contains required header information for the TFTP process to load onto the device. The "Sysupgrade" version does NOT need this header info since it is not using TFTP.
Looking for older software? You can find earlier versions of AREDN software here. NOTE: Older software should not be loaded onto production devices unless you have a clear need for it. There are numerous security updates and system optimizations in the current release that are not included in pre- releases.