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QSO Today Interviews Andre K6AH

QSO Today Interviews Andre K6AH

Eric Guth, 4Z1UG / WA6IGR writes "Andre Hansen, K6AH, and his team of open source developers have taken amateur radio mesh networking to a new level with AREDN, that allows commercial low cost WIFI routers and access points to be used to build out local and regional broadband networks in the amateur bands above 2 GHz. Andre and I discuss this technology and its possibilities for the amateur radio community in this QSO Today."

Listen to the QSO Today podcast here.

"QSO Today is a podcast about amateur radio also known as ham radio.  Every week, I interview a leader, a mover and shaker, in the amateur radio world.  Many of the technologies that we enjoy today including television and radio, cell phones, computers, and the Internet were born out of the amateur radio experience. Amateur radio was the frontier where hams conducted electronic experiments in order to make that wireless contact around the World."

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