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Changes at the AREDN Website

Changes at the AREDN Website

The AREDN website has recently been freshened behind the scenes!

  • There's a new download server.  It's faster and now supports https and rsync 

  • The AREDN legacy map has been supplemented with a new interactive map called the AREDN World Map..   Since it's aware of the supernode network, you can zoom into any area on the map that has a supernode.*

    Features of the World Map:

  • If you click on one of the colored node icons in the upper-right hand corner, you select only those nodes on the map.  For example, if you click on the supernodes icon, you'll see only the supernode network.

  • If you click on a node's icon, you'll get a pop-up window containing all that node's vital data.

  • If you click on a tunnel, you'll get a pop-up window listing the node at each end of the link, the distance between the nodes, and what type of link it is.

  • In the upper-left hand corner is a menu containing:

    • topology - several map background choices

    • data - download database, available in several formats

    • channel - selectively shown any channel

    • phone - a map designed for a handheld device

    • find - will find lat/lon, a town or city, an address, or a nodename

    • measure - find the bearing and distance between two points.

  • Your mouse's roller will let you zoom in and out on the map.

  • There’s a mountain icon bottom right.   If you enable it on certain maps, various mouse gestures will let you tilt the map to see mountains, etc. 

    If your area has an active AREDN network but you don't see it on the World Map, contact me ( about getting a supernode established on your network.

Orv W6BI


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