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AREDN Documentation Repository

AREDN Documentation Repository

Thanks to a great suggestion and some content from Steve KC0EUW, we now have an AREDN document repository on GitHub.

If you just want to read what is in the library, you can view the docs on at
You can also find this documentation by clicking on the Docs menu item on the front page and making your choice from the dropdown list. 
We added a new Network Design Guide to help you in planning your local AREDN mesh network.

If you are interested in contributing to the rapidly growing set of AREDN related information, you can easily do so on GitHub. This works the same way as if you were contributing code to the project.
There are detailed instructions on how you can contribute to AREDN documentation in the file 

Summary Instructions:
After you setup your GitHub account, you should:

1) FORK the repository to your GitHub account.

2) Then, to send updates or additions, checkout your repository from<your account>/documentation, commit local changes you have made (additions or corrections to the AREDN docs), push to origin (your repository).

3) Create a pull request.

The AREDN team will then review your request just as it does for code changes.

We think using GitHub for project related documents will make them more accessible and encourage the mesh networking community to contribute their ideas.


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