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Tennessee Public Safety Interoperability Exercise and Conference August 13-16

The Tennessee Emergency Management Agency (TEMA), the Tennessee Advanced Communications Network (TACN), United States Northern Command (USNORTHCOM), and the Tennessee National Guard are sponsoring the Tennessee Public Safety Interoperability Exercise / Vital Connections 2018 August 13-16, 2018 at the 117th Regimental Training Institute, Building 500, 7th Avenue, Smyrna, TN 37167 

Local AREDN mesh networkers will be present at the upcoming event. This event will host a wide variety of Public Safety and Amateur Radio Communications Support partners. There will be demonstrations of the many features that an AREDN MESH has to offer.  Contact Tom K1KY directly for more information.

For additional information see

​AREDN Offline Map Submit Tool Updated


Darryl K5DLQ developed a command line tool that allows operators to submit nodes to the AREDN map without requiring the node itself to have internet access (direct or via Mesh Gateway).
It has been updated so that OMS.exe version 0.9 updated to point to
This application runs on Windows.

To use it:

  1. Downloads the AREDN Offline Map Submit (OMS) tool from here:
  2. Extract the contents of the zip file to a folder on your PC (no installation required)
  3. Ensure that your PC is connected to a node as a LAN device.
  4. Ensure that the node is connected to a VLAN capable switch that is configured with VLAN1 (WAN) access to the internet.  (OR, use an AirRouter that is connected to the internet)
  5. Open a command prompt in Windows
  6. Run the following command from the folder that you extracted the OMS tool into:    oms.exe
  7. OPTIONALLY: you can run:   oms.exe -preview      (This will show you which nodes would submit their data WITHOUT actually sending it to the...
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