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See the official install instructions at































Download the Mikrotik .bin and the .elf file from location:

  •  elf  :  this is the image to boot the mikrotik device with.  It only uses RAM on the device (which is lost with a power cycle and still boots with Mikrotik OS)
  • .bin :  once the device is booted with the .elf image and running,  copy this up to /tmp and type a command that will update the flash with AREDN, so it then boots AREDN on a power cycle.
The procedure is very different and it is the opposite of a Ubiquiti installation.  Opposite in that with Ubiquiti, the device is a tftp server and the tftp client is run on the laptop to send up...
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​HamRadioNow Interviews AREDN

David W0DHG and Darren AJ6BL interviewed Randy WU2S about the AREDN project.The 90 minute discussion covered the AREDN mission, examples of real-world deployments, how to get started and much more.
See HamRadioNow Episode #141 on YouTube or on the HamRadioNow website.
Please consider subscribing to the YouTube channel and watching all the informative episodes produced by this great team.

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